TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

I actually Got a four door focus sport for the wife a few years ago, great car except the clutch (stupid sport shift package) oh man! Krispy Kreme! My baby girl Charlii is obsessed with donuts , well timbits (donut holes) it’s her treat for being good on walks, and most of our drive throughs know us now and have one ready when we come up to the window, and she’ll be there head up just grinning, tail going absolutely nuts just waiting on her goodies!


Haha! Rainbows @420noob ?


Nope Kirby! If im gonna sweet talk a housewife into buying a $2000 vacuum I’m gonna make sure it at least works!:rofl::rofl: Saw Kirby’s people had from the 1920’s that still worked! Rainbow is plastic shit.

@HighTilliDie beautiful pup!


Look up Crampons, they can be fairly cheap and work well


When I was in school I sold Kirby vacuums. That was until I sold one to someone I knew couldn’t afford the payments. I don’t like greedy people and hated seeing that in myself. I quit and went to work in a KFC. Less money but I wasn’t going to take advantage of anyone for a sale there either.
They are (were) great vacuum cleaners though. I sold a lot of them.


Thanks. I looked these up but they are pretty proud of them.

I’ll look into those.


Thanks for the compliments @420noob. Shes a brown nose pit (mom) mixed with a deer legged chihuahua x jack russel. She’s full size about 4 years old now. The rest of her litter got to about Labrador size


A Chihuahua X pit mix!!! Hope she doesn’t have the Chiwowwow temperament! lol


That’s exactly what I use, all the others wore through in 6-8 months, those lasted a couple years easy and I can stand almost sideways on wet, slimy rocks, ice, not a chance you are slipping they are pretty great.

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Shes the most clingy and loving animal I’ve ever had. She tries to be a guard dog but if you scare her she passes everywhere and runs away yelping smh


Willie the Beagle loved road trips. New smells! He knew the day ahead something was up. I think we had synchronized bladders. My “work” runs were just under 800 miles. Nice to have his company. I promise I’ll find some good photos of him to show @TopShelfTrees1. Willie had more personality than most people I worked with. Some relatives too, if I’m being honest.


I’m really late to the party, but that’s some kind of nutrient abuse. I don’t see a single sign of bug infestation.


Good call, I thought the same…. Doesn’t look like thrips or mites. The stippling has that look a bit but the rust colours differentiate it imo. It’s like it’s a combo of a few different things , but I’ve never seen that so didn’t really want to give advice and send them down the wrong path.


So I cut my Oaxacan and Peshawar Afghani a few days ago and today is heavy hay, wet cut grass smell. It feels dry to touch not dense buds. Do I let dry more until smell is gone?


A couple weeks ago a very close friend sent me some last ditch efforts to save two of his prized cuts after an incident left him needing to tear everything down quickly. They had sat in bags for almost two weeks, then shipped to me so 4-5 more days. One strain was mush, rotten , the other had almost zero green plant matter, roots were dying and everything. But I never say never, I stripped out any soil that was on them, flushed the roots in a hydrogen peroxide mix , then into my aerocloner for a few hours to breath some fresh life/oxygen into them, then I removed them, sprinkled some dynomyco directly on the roots, gave a foliar of rhizotonic and a touch (1ml per litre) of clonex
And within a few days I could see them popping new life and starting to turn towards the light. That is these pics, about 2 days after transplanting to new coco/perlite.


And here they are 10-12 days after that…… unfortunately the one strain was too far gone and never made it out of the cloner, but these are now thriving and made me proud to be able to save something so special to a great friend/brother of mine.


Very well done!


That smell will usually change in the cure, some strains are just fire the day they are chopped, but the majority need the sweat, cure period to get those chemical components working and alter the terpenes etc. you could stick them in garbage bags or brown paper bags for a few days now (sweating) and then into the cure, it’s actually what I do . Once dry enough I’ll check by snapping branches , then check in a jar etc. for a basic idea, then into bags for 3/4/5 days then into jars, if I use paper bags there’s no need to even check them really, garbage bags (I use so I can stick whole plants in there) I check daily and open for a minute or two.


And the Jenny’s are both next to them making guest cameo appearances! They are doing awesome now btw, despite the issues they are looking very promising. When the lights are back on I’ll take a few individual shots for you, the squat, more sativa looking one has really caught my eye now, If she’s a she, and the other a boy like I’m thinking…… it’s on :ok_hand:t3:


Fucking sweet! I think jenny kush needs to be passed around and grown to insane numbers. I know you will do them justice no matter what the outcome.