TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

I agree! I can’t wait to do a sensi run, I’ll definitely be cloning both regardless but I’d love to see what lies within that line. And the F2’s should give us the best idea too! Thanks for your trust bro, I’ve got you, if the big guy isn’t a boy and I can’t find anyone with another 2-3-4-5 seeds I’ll just STS her and make fems but I’d much prefer regs and a few more donors if possible :crossed_fingers:t3: actually I’m gonna start asking around…. Now


Hermies, hermies everywhere.
Almost 20 years back I didn’t have any. Nowadays they appear everywhere, it doesn’t matter if is a reputed seedbank or not.
But as I always grow mixed strains, two plants of each, always have some that will survive the plague.

Sorry for your hermies, taking care of a daughter all that time, when she ends being hermie is sad.


I bought bubblebag dude bags and fully intend on getting the machine down the road. After a vape bros box vape, and rosin press. And of course the $$$ holidays. It DOES in fact yield more than drill ill be honest. Had some experience with one back in like 2006 but had to stop growing for some time, and i have no idea where it got to. Id say your best return on investment would be the bubble rig.


@Everytimefoo yeah I told my fiance I wanted the bubble machine for Christmas!


Its actually pretty reasonably priced these days

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More like BARK to it amirite

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Cure’s half science, half art it seems. I can try and control my cure, but yeah…not always manageable. Had some recently I cut when the humidity was low. Tried to keep it up in a tent, but felt like I was using a cool mist vaporizer on them. Terps just got sucked out of some. Came back in the jars, but not totally back.


Good save @TopShelfTrees1 ! Curious what the genetics are?


Lmao she’s not a barker unless it’s the mailman or some delivery service. She really enjoys car rides tho they are her favorite but maybe that’d because all the pampering

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Hopefully this is temporary situation!


good morning @TopShelfTrees1 and the OG fam! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


Good morning everyone. I keep seeing this producer on my YouTube shorts and his shit cracks me up just check it out for a morning laugh!


Good morning brotha and OGs! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Time to free the birds. :chicken:


That was a nice camp vibe :camping:. Thanks for the scooby snack :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

:coffee::sunglasses: morning all!


Man I was listening to DGC’s talk show on YouTube last night I’ve been trying to keep up with their videos and they were talking about some snortable energy drink. I thought they were bullshitting so I look it up just now and nope it’s real. This is what we deal with the the world nowadays smh. On the flip side DGC is a great grow talk to listen to

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Good morning everyone :coffee::coffee: My issue was after the bump, I wanted an 8 ball :crazy_face:


Good morning everyone! Bahaha that’s hilarious! @HighTilliDie what the :man_facepalming:t2:

@Emeraldgreen tended to be my exact response bro! That made me almost spill my coffee! Thank God I have it in my yeti or I’d be wearing a whole lot more! :laughing: omfg :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


It’s a rare pheno of bogs lifesaver. The melon pheno


I always wanted more and had to finish everything I had! I started cutting back in an attempt to use responsibly :joy:. Eventually realized I had to complete stop​:disappointed::joy:


Ya it’s the biggest issue with yayo for most, I was always pushing it so it became a bigger issue when I started indulging…. Stuff is too good, eventually I just gave up and went to pharmaceuticals, which ALSO became an issue, only thing that didn’t was the weed. Stupid addictive personality