TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

I didn’t know that either tbch :man_facepalming:t2: knew chillum though, always wanted a clay one for hash

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Old town smoke shop in pacific or washignton has a decent selection of chillums

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Thank you @Bobgrows I’ve known as one hitter especially the cigarette looking ones that come with a dugout! Glass has been chillium never heard of pinchy but understand what is meant!

What is that pipe made out of dispensary jar? Like a banger pipe?

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Yeah thats where I found this piece but they never know when more are gonna be stocked and I’d like to find a glassblower who can just make me like 5-10

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I was eyeballing that too! I thought it looked like a banger too, with an additional metal protrusion

@bobgrows got some man hands going there! Lol
I know it’s your old man’s hand I hope!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No I don’t have dainty hands. I’ve had surgery on them and old cousin Arthur likes to live in them…arthritis.

Are you talking about the pipe in the background? My son gave me that for wax or hash.


I want one of these by Luca Falco

Only about 300 bucks :sweat:
I’d have to already have a bunch of hash on hand to justify this!

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That’s dope! Ya they aren’t cheap that’s for sure

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Frenchy Cannoli greened out Derek Gilman on the episode of High Rollers where he broke his Falco Chillum out :rofl:


My mentor has a few real cool ones! Bongs too! They definitely smoke hash exceptionally

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Frenchy’s hash hookah looks like a lot of work to get going…


It definitely does! But oh so worth it in the end! :drooling_face:


I told my parents I had no expectation of reaching 21. Their response was some bizarre catastrophic life insurance policy.

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When I has a kid a had a cool meerschaum chillum. Had a pipe too. Really smoked well after about 10 years. Had all kinds of cool stuff I dont know what happened to it.

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Can turn a profit in anything these days!:rofl::rofl::rofl:. That is a very strange response I think.
@bobgrows so do you use a regular lighter or a torch?


@420noob my house growing up had a white picket fence. Pops was a functional alcoholic. My older brother, not so functional. Me, less so. Throwing up every morning was normal, but we all went to work. Didn’t everyone’s dad throw up every day? Oh…wrecked cars. Lots, and lots of those. Oddly, only a couple arrests.
So we were normal, right? Don’t smoke pot whatever you do. Now that’s bad for you.


Fucking cool! I’ve been thinking about getting a pipe carving kit and making my own personal bowl


That sounds interesting. Something to do while I relax in the sun. If you find a cool kit, let me know please.


Just sprayed all my plants except the domes in veg. Man I need a pressure sprayer or something, I’m exhausted. That spray bottle kept getting clogged was half the problem