TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

I sure hope so. I’d have a movie night with the kiddos and sit them down to watch the original and then take them all to see this one. Are you listening Hollywood? Take my money you filthy animals!


Damn that’s a lot of $ spent on status… :face_with_monocle:

Might wanna pass 'em this for when things go all 1930’s.


:rofl: / :sob:


They are all from families that are extremely wealthy, except Mikes son, Mike made the fortune himself and now they are enjoying it. Chris actually owns a cancer research company, a delivery company and a legal dispensary. And has his families wine money to fall back on as well, these are the guys I went to school with in high school. Was a huge culture shock once I started seeing how wealthy so many were. Kids getting brand new mustangs/Lexus when they get their licenses, birthday parties where we would take limos to Toronto to enjoy being spoiled at several locations, lavish ski/snowboard trips, having boats at our disposal to wakeboard/waterski and just go wherever. These guys are brothers though, Neil helped me get my production company going in the late 90’s, my sons god father Justin’s family took me in when I hated mine and ran away, then tried to adopt me. (For real) and also paid for two friends funerals when no one in their families had money. Definitely not your typical rich kids , but I get it trust me :wink:


This reminds me of a buddy from that was pretty much an easy going hippy the entire time. Near the end of final year he invited all us over to his house for his birthday; which we usually celebrated somewhere as a group but never at his house. TBH none of us had ever been over to his place until this time and we figured out why.

We litterally commuted into one of the richest parts of Toronto, legit millionaires row back in the 90s. His home had columns… like 2 story vanity columns and his backyard spilled into a ravine which was partly owned buy them.

We were greeted at the door by not one, but 2 servants brought with them from Trinidad… which was also the first time we found out his family was from Trinidad. He’s so white it was very confusing until we all put 2+2 together and realized this guy was so easy going because he could afford to be as colonial inherited wealth can allow for that.

The thing was, he was very self conscious the entire time as his family acted inappropriately around all of us so we ended up spending most of the time (he took us there) in his backyard.

We never reflected this with him afterwards and he never changed being an awesome guy. Turns out both of his parents weren’t just inherently wealthy but were also both lawyers so his home life wasn’t the easiest due to him being seen as “the black sheep” of the family not being into capitalism and the such. lol.

I miss the guy. Was a brilliant rugby player and (go figure) folk guitarist. He moved to the praries with his wife doing good and we lost him to cancer just before covid. :cry:


Good afternoon, and Merry Christmas Eve OGers! Just checking in, as I’m out of town for most of the next week. I was one of those intrepid travelers on I-95 this weekend. YIKES!

I hope you all enjoy a relaxing and spiritually enriching holiday, whatever you celebrate, and whoever you’re celebrating with. Remember: We’re all in this together.


Blasphemy putting the front plate on. Just take the tickets🤦‍♂️


Awww…man…what a brutal end to that whole story.


So got these cuts 2 wks last Thursday I believe in rr with root powder in cloner with zip lock. No roots yet but temps between 60-70°. Should I put on a heating pad maybe or is it the temp lol. Thanks.

Terrible pics I know!


I like cuts to be around 75-78. Make sure you’re opening that bag occasionally. You want it humid, but too wet and they can get black slime mold. At 2 weeks old I’d be hardening them off a little with drier conditions to get the roots searching. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!


Thanks man ya I have the water level below the bottom of the cell and the RR is dry ish but getting dryer.:crossed_fingers:


To add to what @FirstCavApache64 said. Too much moisture can rot your growing tips if your not careful


That’s passion well spent. (If you got the spare change that is lol.)

There’s a BMW engine in there so you can justify the premium over a Corolla :wink: .

@TopShelfTrees1 you need to start doing what they’re doing :sweat_smile: .


I absolutely love Top Gear!!! But not cars… :rofl: :man_shrugging:


Ho ho ho everybody, and a Merry Christmas to all! :gift::santa::christmas_tree:
See you on the other side (of the holiday) :v::sunglasses::green_heart:


It’s always the good ones that end up departing soon, leaving us with the likes of Walmart heirs and such… :cry:


It’s Christmas so BE MERRY!!!


Merry Christmas @TopShelfTrees1 . Did Santa bring you more work space?


Good norning and merry Christmas @ all!!


Merry Christmas to all :green_heart:


Merry Christmas TsT
: )