TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

Happy new years everyone! Hope yall didn’t drink too much last night and your off to a good start this morning!


Check out new movie Fools Paradise. Charlie day directoral debut and he is the lead. It really shows how fake and full of bs Hollywood film world is and he does it saying only 4 words through the whole movie!

Happy new years


Good afternoon and happy new year guys!

Every damn thing was closed today. Ended up a few towns over looking for something to be open and ended up getting some vegan breakfast burritos. Starting the year off right!


@Emeraldgreen ran to lowes and found those end caps to replace the junk autopot ones for about $3 a pop after tax close to $13 overall and autopots would of charged me close to $30 for 4 of the same crappy ones. I looked for the copper fitting autopots has on there site but im sure it’s a speciality fitting a garden store would have more than likely and ill just bite the bullet on those instead of running around looking where to find them. For anyone curious the autopots blank cap for the top of the 25 gal res using a 3/4 garden hose in the exterior


Kinda digging the gold look too lol


Nice! I’m glad you got it fixed up right and cheap. Awesome . Now let’s see you break those! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: @HighTilliDie


The problem will be when I don’t break those but break the plastic piece that they screw into lmao! I could not find a good replacement for that at lowes due to the wide brim needed to hold the large o rings for the water tight seal


Bahahaha don’t do it!


Dig your set up man! Is one barrel for veg one for bloom?


Both for flower. I typically don’t run autopots in veg just when the plants want watered daily either before the flip or a week after or so. Those are my 25 gal res. They last me for about a week each


@TopShelfTrees1 here is the IPM sheen from suffoil-x I was telling you about. Funny thing I was telling hotrod on discord that I swear it smells exactly like nag champa it’s a pot smokers friend back in the day and I love the smell of the suffoil-x but hate the sheen it leaves although it does work


I’m glad that worked out well for you. I really despise the weed up charge on stuff!


The trick is to never tell them it’s for weed lol…

It costs me less than 50$ for fertilizers, IPMs and foliars for 6 months of grow right now, but if weed is legalized like in western countries I’m sure the price would shoot up for me too…


I agree. I’m talking about companies that directly target weep growers. This goes for fertilizer, equipment with personal growers, but I’ve seen it also happen with legal service, accounting services, etc.
I love jacks since it is a fertilizer company.


good morning @TopShelfTrees1 and the OG fam!!

and of course i wish you all a happy new year!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

i bet we will have a great year with great grows! :slight_smile:


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great morning! @Emeraldgreen I hear ya brother freaking preach! It’s like companies like autopot know they could make a better plastic product im sure I’m not the only one who has ever complained as a matter of fact the first time I called to complain about the push connect for the res to autopot line they said “it’s a common problem that we know about people just over tighten our valves and fittings and they can’t withstand the pressure and give out” couldn’t be the like 0.02 wall thickness ya know? End caps were the worst I was blown away by how cheaply made they were. It’s all a cash grab unfortunately and like you said ive only had good experiences with jacks 321 and ac infinity so far because a lot of these places make products they know will fail keeping you coming back for either replacement parts to keep it all running properly or just out of the intial invested money for your automated setup. Either way it’s a win for them and loss for the consumer and they need to step up or step out the game. I wish the. Consumers could come together and hold these companies to a higher standard for real


The way to do this is to not buy their products.


@Foreigner thats a true statement, but it’s a hard hill to hold in small numbers. Like o hate Walmart but I’m too broke not to use them!


Perhaps but I bet you could build a superior product with better parts for cheaper.

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@Foreigner I get that to some extent but its easier said than done. I won’t buy a crappy product 2x tho with that being said and will usually find a work around the 2nd time as you saw with the autopot blank fitting cap but as for the instance with their push connect that’s a speciality fitting that most places aren’t going to have and im not going to search around when I know the copper fitting is the solution anyways I’ll just pay the shipping and extra price rather than waste my gas looking around for that specific part