TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

Morning @TopShelfTrees1 . What’s cookin’?


Good morning everyone, happy new year!

@HighTilliDie Do you recommend that stuff for IPM? I’ve heard good things but have never talked to anyone using it.


Good afternoon everyone :clap:


Happy new year everyone


@NoCal I really like the suffoilx and it’s electronic sprayer friendly so it’s a win win in my book since it won’t clog my canna fogger


Just looking closer here @HighTilliDie . I’ve had that sheen, or similar with a couple products. More spotty. I used yucca in both, thought that might be it. One was a Safer product. Need to look at the other. Plants didn’t notice, so I didn’t.


LOL. I made a batch of brownies with canna butter.
Told my non smoking wife…these are “special brownies” with a wink. I thought she understood and went on my way. Later that night she was pissed! “I ate 2 of those special brownies and threw up!” Woops!
Lesson learned - Don’t take it for granted that others know what you’re talking about when you make edibles.

Also to add to the conversation of edibles -
My goto recipe for canna butter
Decarb is a good thing. In oven at 220F for 45-60 min. Spread buds evenly on baking sheet.

I use the slow cooker on low. Water 4 cups. 2 sticks of butter. Throw in decarbed flower. Potency is described well in the thread already. Be aware!
Slow cook overnight on low. stirring occasionally. I usually break buds up lightly. You don’t want powder because you will be straining this out later. Make sure your slow cooker does not go over 240F on low! Different models vary in temp. Make sure what temp your slow cooker operates before using the recipe. THC will degrade if temp is too high. Strain mix out of slow cooker with cheese cloth. I drape cheese cloth over a colander sitting over an appropriately sized bowl. You want the mix hot enough that the butter is still liquid but not so hot you burn your hands while handling. Squeeze out excess water and butter mixture by twisting the cheese cloth over colander. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator overnight. The butter will solidify on top of water and the nasty stuff will accumulate in bottom of bowl. Scoop out canna butter and use in your recipe of choice.

Sorry if this was already described here. I’m just now completing my thread reading and have gone through quickly.


I went through this with my system last year I think it was. Maybe it was the year before. Regardless I wanted to add another control bucket to my res. I really liked the float valve set up and typed that shit into Google. Boom $90. Unacceptable. I hopped onto a plumbing supply companys website and looked up the specific parts and was able to piece the thing together for $20. Identicle parts. I get off on shit like that.


Is she blonde by chance . Special should be an indication there not normal. Lol


I find it better to just say these aren’t for you. Leaves nothing ambiguous :joy:


Sometimes saying they are special brownies aren’t enough if they are very strong edibles lol. First time me and my buddy made edibles we used an oz and a half of some fire straight to 2 cups of oil. The shit was so strong I ate 2 and wanted to die like worse than the drunkest I’ve ever been and we had my fiances little brother over the next day and I warned him I’m you eat that eat half. Wake up the next morning the whole thing is gone and im like oh no. Go into the living room where he was sleeping and he’s just flopped down in the couch looking paralyzed with a big shit eating grin and im like you ate it all huh? He said yeah I should of listened lmao. Dude was high for 2 days


Just putting it out there for anyone who hasn’t had the pleasure. Fresh popped pop corn drizzled with canna butter is fuckin delicious! The flavours pair incredibly and holy shit don’t eat the whole bowl!


good mornig @TopShelfTrees1 , @MonasticDank and the OG fam! :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Good Morning everybody :coffee:
Hope everyone has a great day! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Morning folks :v::sunglasses:
It is the Wednesday- hump if you got em :joy:


Good morning everyone, hope you are all having a great week.


Good morning everyone. Have a great day


Man I wish I could be there. I’ve made 9 brownies with 9 grams of bubble hash. Buddy had one bite and he ended up spending the rest of the day crying in the fetal position on the floor. I ate my brownie, the rest of his brownie, and the last half of my wife’s brownie while smoking bowls in between wondering when it was gonna kick in. It never did :cry:


Good morning folks, hope your day brings you joy and happiness :blush:


I have similar issues with edibles, not sure why but most just don’t work for me .