TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

Same to you brother man :facepunch:t2:


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are off to a good start! Pulling my gary payton and SSH out of the shadows and into the light really perked them up. Im getting excited for that dang drainage tile to come in next week so I can get rocking and rolling


I bet! Gonna be nice to all be normal again and back to it. That Gary Payton is gonna be epic trust me! Sweet


Be “normal”? You posting on the wrong forum again @TopShelfTrees1 . Normal? You ok today?


NOT HAPPY when I spend hundreds of dollars out of my pocket to do something nice for someone and they don’t even run what I’ve given them in a year nor any trade back nor even any mention of it
Really not happy


Left these Carmelita cuts in a cup and they started flowering…. Got almost all boys too :man_facepalming:t2:

Guess I’ll harvest a bit and pray I get some girls or else I’ll pop the few fems I’ve got


That’s funny how we judge ourselves on our intentions and others on their actions. Either way I understand the frustration. Instead of being mad, you’ve just freed yourself up from having to spend another minute worrying about helping this person out in the future.


Good morning everybody!


You ever get that job done bro? Or Still drama/bs



I’ll be done Friday! Fingers crossed!


My sentiments exactly! That face about sums it up!
Got my stuff crossed for you too. :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:


You get it @Indicana_Jones . Comparing our insides with someone else’s outsides is a bad idea. Who knows what a person has been through.


That’s what this world has come to for so many unfortunately…. Assumptions and looking from the outside in, most don’t post about their troubles only the good times. Realized this all too well the last few years.


My insides are red and squishy


He pal. Our friendship is so much deeper than most see or know. A couple know. You know what’s been on my plate. I know where you eat too. 2023 was not easy.
That’s why I have begun to get annoyed by poor behavior. No…more annoyed. Veiled mean spirited comments? Not here…please. I will start to speak up more.
Maybe this forum isn’t the right place for everyone?


For us, we’ve noticed it depends on timing of other stuff we eat. Edible while cooking dinner :white_check_mark: edible after dinner :x:. Also a light salad as a meal does us no favors (for THC absorption anyway, salads are great in general :nerd_face:)

So when the edible is a dessert- we still gotta eat it before the appetizers.


Edibles are a primary food group for me. Toxic Snickerdoodles with coffee. Cannabutter on the waffles or bagels. Cookies after lunch and dinner. Rice Crispie bars at night.
Every single thing I eat puts most of my friends DOWN. I’ve left 2 at a friend’s as I knew if I left 10 he’d eat them too. “Dude…I really did only need one.”
I’ve eaten edibles daily for at least 15 years.


I totally get it brother, and feel the exact same. Yes I doubt many know how close we truly are. I have a few people here who are undoubtedly some of my very best friends , without question. People I would give the shirt off my back too, even if I had nothing to replace it. I love this place and some of you like true brothers. And everything I say I mean, I don’t hide or hold back much if any and I give every single chance I can. I swear if most people here met me in real life you’d be blown away, as my personality and feelings have changed so much the last few years I’m definitely a different person in many ways as opposed to my former self. I hurt a lot of people, sold a shit ton of heavy drugs, and ruined people’s lives. Beat many people to within an inch of their lives too! Many many times. Now I just wanna be happy, and help make others feel the same, and surround myself with like minded individuals who I truly can trust and believe in as well as start and complete projects I’ve dreamed of for years and years and years. My kindness gets me overwhelmed at times and this is no different . Lately im not gonna lie been at my whits end several times. And I had envisioned 2024 being the one, and just enjoying life, love, friendship and family the way I should have the last 7-8 and especially since this horrible anxiety and back/neck pain and constant spasms came into my life. I suppose I’ll never be cool enough for some, but to many I am and I can assure you am an asset by anyone’s side. I just hope and pray things look up from here on out cuz Im over the drama and would rather walk away anymore than give into it, honest to god brother. Thanks for ALWAYS being there and ALL THAT YOU DO! Much love and respect and the rest of you know what you mean as well, never forget how much you are appreciated and needed. When life gets ya down and seems like the end…. Im here, and will always be , I’ve experienced phenomenal lows and have been through most so don’t hesitate


i find myself smoking while on edibles too. i can’t say i’m a fan. and it’s not that i have a ridiculously high tolerance… i can only smoke half a joint most of the time. edibles are either too weak or too strong and i’m overhigh and not liking it. to the point where manual breathing is required. that’s bad.

they are better than nothing, but will never be my first choice. rather smoke. joints or bongs.


Hey brother @TopShelfTrees1 I just saw your DM and wanted to respond to it ASAP

If I’ve seemed distant it’s been due to my own issues and trying to fix them, hope I didn’t seem rude to anyone or anything, just been pretty withdrawn until a couple days ago, hoping for a fresh start in 2024

Hope everyone’s having a good day!
