TopShelfs trees (Part 4)

This made me smile big time. :slight_smile:


I love how genuinely concerned many of us are for each other! I have friends Iā€™ve had forever who are less concerned about my well being and mental health, no joke. Thats why I love this place and so many of my friends here. Iā€™m truly blessed to be able to call you guys my friends. Much love and respect @MoBilly


Yep, itā€™s pretty amazing. I was discussing this with my wife earlier this year after some personal stuff.


It truly isā€¦. The kindness, generosity and comaradery I witness here on a daily basis is unheard of elsewhere, TRULY! Thereā€™s times Iā€™ve been stressed here, few arguments but for the most part every experience has been stellar. And Iā€™ve made some friends here I know will be there for life, absolutely! And all of the awesome generosity only drives me to do more, give more and it continues on and on! I know you guys know who you are . Iā€™ve made some of the best friends Iā€™ve ever had, hands down ! I cannot thank you all enough for taking the time out each day to say good morning, to share your life with me and all of us and to take an interest and concern in mine. Iā€™m in a place I havenā€™t been in some time and itā€™s largely in part because of this place and you guys!
We are Truly Blessed Around Here and itā€™s not hard to find awesomeness when you look around thatā€™s for sure.


Well said bro.


Well no tilling today but man I had a blast on that mini excavator although Iā€™m kicking myself for not getting the non toothed blade because I could of leveled things out much better with the smooth blade. I also ended up making some trenches on one side of my grandmas driveway with the remainder on the time and leveling out the middle of her gravel road and filling potholes. There was so much to take it was ridiculous ill have to take a pic when i get back there we are returning the rental and getting food now. Last pic is a funny thing i found at the rental place on the wall


Here is the small pile and here is the big garden bed full of goat manure. So much goat manure! I had to run over the big garden bed a few time with the excavator and that was like a bucking bronco throwing me everywhere. I was really surprised they didnā€™t have a belt system to hold you against the unit but im sure it wasnā€™t meant to be flying around like I had it as I was on a time crunch. My grandma said sheā€™s going to wait a week or 2 before tilling the bed in case the fertilizer is too hot yet but I saw some good mycelium growth on the compacted dirt. Was a pretty good day all in all besides being covered in dusted poo that my mucus is black and when washing off its just brown water at first yum


Damn it Iā€™m out of likes already

Well done @HighTilliDie


Thank you! I was talking to my dad about it and showing him pictures he said that him and my grandpa built that barn back in the 70s and my grandma said its never been cleaned out. I said i believe it! I mean you donā€™t get a mountain of poo like that for a few years with 15 goats


Now you have to use a broad fork to work it in.


Oh man @JustANobody your trying to kill me! That would take so long! I was just gonna till it all in I usually till really deep and do 2 passes


@Weednerd.Anthony looks like Iā€™m gonna blow by you on my way down the coast. Ive only been up in the panhandle once when my folks lived in Tallahassee.


Holy crap! You killed it bro! Great job! Ya that looks like hella fun! Very nice @HighTilliDie respect :facepunch:t2:


Thatā€™s what I was thinkingā€¦. Thatā€™s insane the amount of shite that is!


Ps @HighTilliDie the grin on your mug is priceless! Like Iā€™m about to go ham on this bitch! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Haha I had a blast! Then I got dinner and I had to argue with my grandma walking out the door as she paid me $30 and wouldnā€™t let me take no as an answer. I told her sheā€™s my weekly babysitter so I can work with my dad and sister and she gets paid in handiwork


Haha grandmas are the best! Awesome


I ran its for 4 and a half hours straight without turning it off we definitely got our moneyā€™s worth. Rounded up its about $290 for 5 hours with the trailer

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Wow, they make a fortune from those huh? Definitely did though, got tons accomplished too

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My fiance said her and my grandma were watching me plow over the big piles (at first i just dumped and went) and it was like riding a bronco seriously I almost got tossed off it multiple times I was doing donuts trying to even out the dirt and pack it down they were just laughing at me as I romped it around for 30 minutes trying to flatten, break up, even out the big chunks of soil

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