TopShelfs trees (Part 4)

:joy: bet you feel that in the morning! I would have been laughing my ass off too Iā€™m sure! Itā€™s awesome to see you guys all pitching in to help her. I love seeing close knit families like that. As they are rarer and rarer nowadays. You are blessed brother


My fiance started a 2nd job today at the Korean owned Japanese sushi restaurant. Weā€™ve been going there since they opened for special occasions and we watched the owners kids grow up there and she watched Sophia grow up and the last time my fiance was in there with her friend the owner offered my fiance a job and I convinced her to take a 2nd job because itā€™s a waitress a few days a week at a sushi restaurant which people spend a lot at and usually tip well and itā€™s a honor because how many white people do you see working at Japanese restaurants? Also there are no white people that work there only her family members and she lost 2 workers because her girls went to college


Thatā€™s awesome! Tell her I said congratulations! Itā€™s true the sushi/japanese/Chinese places around here are all asians 100% and I bet they do tip well. Good for her


Iā€™m willing to do anything for family who treat me like actual family and help me and donā€™t backstab


Amen brother I hear that 1000000% and I already know how awesome and loyal you are trust me, they are blessed to have you too 100%

Btw Iā€™m out of likes Iā€™m sure youā€™ve realized :man_facepalming:t2:


Well I was talking to @leetdood as per usual on the daily lol. Anyways I was telling him she has had her boss call her 2x now off of work cussing and yelling at her for stupid crap and then sheā€™s crying after she gets off the phone and she got passed up for a promotion and he later asked her I bet your happy you didnā€™t get the job because you look like your better off anyways (like we make a bunch of money or flaunt cash which we do not) but after talking with leetdood and her hearing another voice on the matter she decided to go with that place and told her work and then got another verbal lashing its so frustrating how these work places treat their women. I know sheā€™s a damn good worker too!


Ya thatā€™s some bullshit! Wow,what ann ignorant prick!


Like she asked for her 2 days off to be switched and it was the end of the world smh. Theyā€™ve already reduced her to PT hours on a FT schedule. Oh and it was because they got new workers in and had to split up time so too many people were getting too many hours


Itā€™s bullshit the stuff they can do just cuz they feel like it or dislike someone


Oh absolutely but I value leetdoods opinion very much and heā€™s helped us out alot. Iā€™m glad he said something because I feel like she will quit that job and try to get more hours at the sushi place where sheā€™s actually treated like family


Ya heā€™s my brother and a helluva guy for sure. Always there for me and I for him. I totally understand


@HighTilliDie hey now whereā€™s this sushi restaurant, and I take it that itā€™s pretty good? The one in eureka sucks.


I gotta call that nursery tomorrow and ask when my shipment will arrive with all my plants lol

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You arenā€™t too shabby yourself bro :wink: thereā€™s a few of you I hold in extremely high regard


Yamato in Union, MO. Itā€™s actually right down the road from my house


Really I just think she will enjoy it. It helps to set boundaries with shitty people or they can think they will keep being shitty with you and get away with it.


Hey I appreciate that brother same thing goes for yourself a diamond in the rough! Nothing but the topshelf of regards for you. Iā€™m sure you know that means the highest of regards lmao. The finest of friends reach up and get me some of that topshelftrees


Thank you, I truly appreciate that too. We have a pretty awesome inner circle here thatā€™s for sure! Got mad love for you guys and would do anything to help you , anything


Lol OBS just posted about that orange apricot. better pop that Zkywalker x LOA F2

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Once you rent another house for space! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: or we split on one! Pretty soon weā€™ll be sleeping beside clones , LITERALLY