TopShelfs trees (Part 4)

Only if we were closer, I usually walk every day, with my dog and solo too, I would get ya motivated! And I always have a pocket full of fatties :wink:


yeah im weird used to work at -50 but dont go out if its -20


Is it that cold there now ? Sheesh

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nah its been wsrmer now but few weeks ago it could drop to -18 today +5


Ahhh okay, man I was picturing full on winter still . Itā€™s about 12 here today, but gloomy. Still beautiful though Iā€™ll definitely take it over the last month


Good morning everyone!! The most talkative thread on here!! Moving fast than the fsfc thread.
Have a great day


Good morning brotha man! Hope yours is going great! Honestly it blows my mind everytime I look at the post numbers! One day itā€™s starting, turn around and itā€™s approaching 4000 :star_struck: but I truly appreciate all the love, friendship, brotherhood and support I receive from all of you on a daily basis. Got mad love for all you guys


Morning yall checking in to say yes itā€™s fast, but always fun. The hardest part is getting all excited to answer a question or respond to a comment and realizing the thread moved on through 4 more topics till I got caught up :joy:.


Bahaha you are so right! Itā€™s absolutely true! Thank you for being apart, it certainly is ALWAYS a blast around here good morning @Gadarien


Just lit up a bowl of that gary payton with no cure and still a bit green but not harsh at all even tho it has a few seeds in it. First taste was a spicy skunky taste and then it went to a smooth sweet aftertaste on the exhale. I can feel it in my cheeks under my eyes like Iā€™m smiling super big with a clown grin and my head is feeling a bit light but Iā€™m super focused. Iā€™m thinking this strain will be a keeper! Iā€™ll have to taste a bit more to get a better idea on terp profile but amazing bud!


Awesome! Iā€™m stoked to hear it turned out great! Iā€™m a big fan of those Gary terps and high myself. Cannot wait to experience her in my environment. Thank you again :pray:t3:


since I woke up this morning lol.


I can relate. Cat hairs somehow make it onto my hard boiled eggs when Iā€™m peeling them. Our cat likes to contribute any way she can. :heart_eyes_cat:

Good morning crew!

Safe travels @Indicana_Jones .


Good morning bro! lol at the cat hair on the eggs! Iā€™m realizing another reason I donā€™t have cats and have a dog with hair rather than fur that doesnā€™t shed. My ocd would have my going nuts!


it is called the BC model its a form of money laundering a vast majority of the people you vote in to fix this problem caused it you want to fix it PDQ then audit the 338 net worthā€™s before and after and do not stop there provincial and municipal for good measure


Hey @thainer i was talking to my buddy and I think we may enter that salmon and walleye derby in July on Erie you shared. And good morning bro


Man I would do a lot for a coffee. Just went for my first colonoscopy have not eaten or drank anything good in forever. Off to Tim Hortons for a wrap and a dark roast double double soon :heart::heart::heart::heart:


i tried goin g for wslk without my AFO got exausted by my neighbors got back on couch thinking about pouring coffee and light up my doobie lolll


morning was just down there yesterday looking for crappie not much luck bunch of rock bass thou i donā€™t keep them. have not been in a boat since 2003 or so i fell at work came down thru the ceiling tile landed on my head got vertigo still have it most days my dad hung on to his boat for years longer than he should have kept figuring i would get my sea legs back 4 or 5 years we would try 20 min later take me in grew up on the water had too friends dads now them own fish tugs in Erieau they knew i was an easy mark at 4 am when a crew member called in


i probly walked a totaldistsnce of 200meters back n forth added