TopShelfs trees (Part 4)

Hope all went smoothly. I bet you are jonesing I know I would be! That’s gonna be one extra great coffee !


Hey it’s better than nothing right? Neighbors are watching, waiting to talk to you lol.

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Morning folks. I’ve been having a bad mental health week and know my plants are feeling it to…
Hope everyone’s as well as the world will let them.



Man, I’m sorry to read this, I get the sickness out there from time to time but my sea legs are great ! It’ll pick up soon down there with this weather, especially the bass/crappie!


Morning @TopShelfTrees1 . You on your 2nd pot of coffee yet? I’ve been drinking mostly green tea with honey lately. Seems to agree with me just fine.


Sorry to read this bro, I know of these all too well. Really hope an improvement comes asap. Nothing worse than being locked down mentally and feeling like you just wanna sleep. And sleep and sleep some more. Always here if you need to talk or whatever you may need , and I’m 100% serious


Sorry to hear that man, I hope your week gets better.


get well soon !!!


The prep is the worst part :tired_face: cofffeeee time !!


Good morning brother, actually I’ve been cutting back, second cup well giant yeti mug. But I’ve been trying to consume less coffee, more water and exercise daily. So far so good🤞🏼


Sorry to hear this, sending you positive energy and hoping things are looking up. :hugs:


Had my share recently @Pigeonman . This last year has been a battle for me. Mental and physical health feeding off each other. @TopShelfTrees1 has been in lockstep the whole way. He frigging knows.
Today was the 1st day I was outside with the cats to smoke one before the missus got up at 8. I have not pulled that off in over 4 months. Longer. That’s a big deal.
I have to thank @JAWS for including me in running testers for him. For us. Some days that one thing, making sure the testers were covered, was all I could manage.


Thanks bud. I’m like a dying cat when down, go crawl away into a hole and just sit there.

I got a pile of things yesterday to help out including both Rescue Remedy (Bach “calm the fuck down” flowers), Natural Calm (Cal-Mag for humans).

Workaholicism isn’t fully helpful as it means I’ll push myself to working non-stop when down versus actually processing the issue… so i’ve taken a few days to be at home for mental health rest and make a list of things I want to accomplish for myself over the day and then check mark them off as the day goes.

While this in the past was more workaholicism avoidance, this time around it’s things that I’ve been putting off as “I never have the time”. So this is me forcing myself to have the time and taking each one slow so I can meditate on the issues versus just concentrating on the task at hand.

I’m trying to train myself out from being Sissy Spacek in Blast From the Past hearing about “the surface dwellers” offering lawn furniture as a come-on.


I’m glad to hear you have a game plan and some time to adress the issue as well, I was there not long ago and sooo many times before . Our brains can be a burden at times for sure. Also I’m similar when mentally lost or in turmoil I want nothing to do with anyone sadly :man_facepalming:t2:


Thanks guys. I’m outta here tomorrow morning. Bout to wrap up work for today go home and clean out the van and and get the rest of this grow set to auto pilot before I leave.


for over 10 years I hosted my friends for a TBS styled “Dinner and a Movie” every Monday night but we called it “DDR and a movie”…

I’d get home from work by 7, start cooking and folks would show up between 7:30 and 9pm and play DDR on the ol’ Xbox 360 in my basement theatre. Dinner was served at 9pm with the movie we’d all have voted on during the weekend so I could come up with a themed dinner.

The logic was that as we get older we’re not going to be able to see each other as much so I opened my home as a safe space so we’d all have the time/place to catch-up. The DDR came in play when a few friends were complaining about gaining weight as they couldn’t work out as much anymore so I joked about bringing DDR to dance that fat away and within a few weeks anyone that had DDR stuff brought it all here and left it :rofl:

So days it was 3 people + me and the mrs… other times it was up to 15-20 talking and watching a movie while stuffing our faces.

I provided dinner and everyone brought something to share; a bottle of soda, chips, dinner supplies for the next week, etc.

It was great until several factors kicked in:

1: Having kids.
2: Moved away (many of my folks born and raised here were priced out of our own city and had to move far to survive).
3: Work load.
4: Covid.

Covid really thew in a wrench as afterwards I wasn’t feeling hosting anymore after the years of not doing it and many friends had 1-3 increased during that same time… especially #1. :baby: .

So I turned the theater into my growspace and it’s all y’all OGer’s I now “host” there when I’m sharing picks of my grow-logs…

Which reminds me @TopShelfTrees1 that I took 5x Mendo Breath cuts yesterday and they are sitting in cubes to root.

Mrs. P wants to do a day trip to Niagara Falls in the next few months so you’re gonna get an in person hug (of accepted) and hand-delivered clone so long as things root out! :wink:


You know I was just grocery shopping and went to get dryer sheets… Did you know that there is a public safety warning on the back saying not to use specifically on kids sleep wear? It also goes on about flame retardant clothing but seriously kids sleep wear dont use it on? I thought on that one for a second and said nah I don’t need them right now until I get my fiances input


And then there’s Febreeze Energy Drink.


I think it destroys the Fire retardant on the kids sleepwear.
When I was a kid in the 70’s, people use to catch on fire like crazy, or at least they did in the movies.

Good afternoon @TopShelfTrees1 and fam.
I’ve been busy all morning going to the doc trying to get my blood pressure down so I can pass my fit for duty test tomorrow.
The doctor thinks I have White Coat Hypertension.

Anyhow, once I’m gone it’s 7-12’s until we’re done.
Hopefully till October.
Living in a man camp an hours drive to the job.


you don’t choose the camp life the camp life chooses you just remember chaos is cash

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