TopShelfs trees (Part 4)

Good morning you book writing crew :flushed:. Holy moly


Morning guys, legit today is starting deep checked the thread and already in then 40 new replies lol.


My dad had that problem for years! New home too, had to pay to dig it out, and reparge. Biiig bucks. Stupid lazy masons :man_facepalming:t2:


Dang… too much good stuff to reply to. I can generalize and say how awesome you guys are.

Showing support to the youngsters, in the proper NO BULLSHIT way is important. Having someone there to do it, y’all are the real heroes.

Sometime ya gotta cut the shit and say what’s what. I don’t have kids, but I give “the talk” to my older nephews all the time. I would hate for them to get stuck working dead end jobs.


water coming from the outside in are the eaves trough not the best or a down spout not getting all the water from the roof away from the foundation


200 (7)


@thainer I rent so what im doing is already above and beyond but I know there is literally trees growing in the gutters because they’ve never really been cleaned out. For the longest time it would leak heavily into the basement and when I started investigating the sump pump drain line was busted and wasn’t draining to the gutter drain line but just pumping it back outside the house to leak thru by the window closest to the sump pump again causing continual degradation of the walls. I reported it to the landlord and he’s like thanks good catch don’t know how that happened. Kinda like what he would say the same thing if I reminded him the outside ac unit has been fixed with zipties oh I forgot but then nothing will get done. It’s a shame I do more for this place than him


This seems to be the norm anymore sadly. My dad rents a gorgeous home in Crystal Beach. Bren there two years, landlord hasn’t been there once but lives blocks away. I had to repair eavestroughs, install a new door, rip off and repanel his back porch cuz it was so moist the wood was warping…. And he’s too nice to stop paying for stuff on his dime. I see this from many friends as well. It seems they do the absolute least humanly possible and expect rent on time and in full :man_facepalming:t2:


ok was thinking maybe an easy fix like a chunk of big O tile or something to get the water away from the house a bit rented myself so i know the deal moisture bring mold lived in a very nice looking house that had a crawl space full of mold dry rot foot of one the kids beds went thru the floor is how we noticed owner did nothing

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My landlord still hasn’t installed that hard wired smoke detector with strobe, lol. I’ve got the battery powered one over my bed at least, but goddamn.

I just hope this keeps him away, cause if he comes back I’ll ask him about it

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Yup another one, see. :man_facepalming:t2: I actually have the perfect smoke/carbon monoxide detector . Check out NEST detectors? I have my house on a whole Nest camera system (5 cameras) and a doorbell, plus 3 of those. They light up and flash different colours depending.

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Nice! Not sure how bright that is though, it’s hard to see in a picture

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It’s bright as f&$! It actually has motion sensors and lights your way at night as you get close.?ni have one at each level on my stairs it’s cool at night as it lights the way in pitch black and it pulses real bright to low, goes red, blue and white too

Thars really cool

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Yep it’s wild because he owns a lot of rental properties in this town like at least 1/3rd of them because he’s got money. I guess that’s how the rich stay rich


Sad but true.


good morning :coffee: :coffee: crew :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree: its friday have a dank weekend


Good morning brothas :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are off to a great start so far!


good morning @TopShelfTrees1 , @amumayuk , @InTheWoods , @HighTilliDie and of course the rest of the fam too ! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

you’re not there for a day and you have to catch up on thousands of posts :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Have a great Friday everyone.