TopShelfs trees (Part 5)

Yup. He started limpin’ around. You could tell he hurt. Cancer in his foot. They take the whole wing off. Better for balance. Half a leg gets them in trouble. He lrecovered so fast! Vet picked him up at 9, home at 4. Within a couple days he was shredding. Chasing his brother all over.
I wanted his foot for my key chain, but the vet wasn’t having it.


So glad you are visiting TST @THCeed

Now where’s my KD?

Haha. Would have been a lot cooler if he did let you keep the foot. I try to take home any part of me that comes off in some kind of procedure. Dentist has yet to let me keep any teeth or fragments. But the Urologist let me keep my kidney stone.


good morning @TopShelfTrees1 and the family! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

looks like you are having a good time! look @ that bright smile !:smiley:
enjoy yourself and have a a nice day :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning @m0sirys


good morning @leetdood ,

hope you are doing well today!? up early?


Yes I’m doing much better. Still some pain and bruising but it seems minimal. Still trying to take it easy because I do seem to be bleeding still.

I’ve been up and down with no real sleep schedule. I slept a ton at first, and now I feel better it seems like I can’t sleep as much.

Was pretty constipated (five days!) But got to unload the satanic logs twice with the help of stool softener.

So overall Im slowly getting back to normal. Guy i know said it took him 6 weeks because he went back to catering right away! I can believe that… gosh.

A woman I know asked for some donations for a friend of her and her kids who left a bad situation. So i offered my spare TV that nobody’s managed to buy even after offering it for 50 bucks. Worried she will accept and then I’ll have to figure out how to get someone to help and put it in my car, cause I’m not lifting that.


Thank you for asking by the way. How about you?


I know all too well about irregular sleep and how much it can affect your day. And when your digestion goes haywire, it’s exhaustingfor sure but I’m glad to hear that your health is getting better. :slight_smile:

I think it’s good that you’re helping your friend, even if transportation problems are the result!

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Well, who knows. I’m not close to her so she might not get back to me. I just thought it would be a win win to get rid of it to a good cause.

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Thanks for asking, everything is fine with me so far, even if the last 2 weeks with the puppy I’m looking after have left their mark. I also have 2 cats here, so there’s almost 24-hour action in the apartment. What don’t you do for friends, right? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Thats why I don’t own a dog… I’d be constantly walking him/her and then trying to stop them from eating my plants, I swear. I know you can train them to not do that but I live in a postage stamp one floor up. I didn’t think that was fair to a dog, they get back problems like us.

Maybe one day… sigh

I wouldn’t get a dog myself, if only because I live in a small apartment. In a house with a big garden, that would be something else again. I mean look at this little guy, he’s so cute but also exhausting :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I love dogs

But they do take a lot of work and deserve their own space and proper care


thats damn right.:slight_smile:

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Good looks on the link i’ll have to buy some from them.


Good morning brothas :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyones coffee is strong and smooth to start your day!

@THCeed Live look after the first cast.


Good morning everyone!

Got my coffee brewing and ready to get the day started. I hope you all enjoy your Sunday

:tophat: :sun_with_face: :coffee: