TopShelfs trees (Part 5)

yeah 16 can be a rough age. i`m happy that my son is 21 now. he was really an easy to take care of child


I basically fell out with my dad because as a sober addict he couldnā€™t keep control of his own anger and didnā€™t like see me enabling my own addiction or my grandma complaining about it. But that was his own issue and thatā€™s where he failed to understand. Until he gets that under control, plus the whole anger and respect thing, Iā€™m better off not being around him

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To be clear, I was smoking weed on my grandmas deck

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Nothing wrong with healthy boundaries.

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Itā€™s 420 I just smoked a hash

Thatā€™s how I feel about it. I understand he didnā€™t like it, and that my grandma doesnā€™t like it, but my grandma basically decided sheā€™d rather have me around than try and bitch me out about it, because she knows (hopefully, sheā€™s got dementia) Iā€™m not gonna respond well to that.

My aunts help meditate sometimes, mostly cause of the dementia and communication barrier. What matters to me is mutual respect and consideration, in general, and my grandparents are generally respectful and considerate people for the most.

Iā€™ll smoke a bowl now in honor of your hash @Foreigner

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Not really the same circumstances but I told my parents to stop talking about it because I donā€™t want to hear it anymore.

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One night she was telling me to stop smoking and to go to sleep, so I was like hey, wtf, Iā€™m just gonna go home.

And she was really upset so my aunts got involved and worked it out, basically she canā€™t remember that Iā€™m gonna smoke and then wrap it up and turn off the deck light, she gets agitated and that was what was going on. So the real solution was for me to smoke out front late at night, so she wouldnā€™t be kept up by seeing a light and not remembering whatā€™s going on.

Hopefully I explained that well


I basically pushed my whole family to get over it and accept it, ESPECIALLY when they legalized it half a decade ago.

Iā€™d just show up, talk about weed, refute and rebut any negative facts or stereotypes, work out where i could smoke the weed, and didnā€™t act like a crazy asshole. They got used to it

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absolutly :slight_smile:

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It helps that alcohol is literally so much worse and almost everybody drinks

Oh I donā€™t even mean weed. I mean more like family politics that hasnā€™t changed in a decade and itā€™s always the same old song and dance and Iā€™m sick of listening to it.

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Thatā€™s why I havenā€™t had any contact with my mother for 20 years, itā€™s been so tiring

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Oh, that. Im pretty insulated from it but I agree. I basically found out my dadā€™s family is a bunch of peer pressurers and enablers in a sense. Hell, a lot of families are, with the ā€œthis is just the way we areā€ behaviour. Ignore uncle Billy, heā€™s been creepy his whole life, etc

If there were changes, if there were updates, if there were developments I would listen but nope.

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My parents told me my cousin with ms is a sex offender, the only time i really see him is to give him weed, and I think medicine is for everybody. Otherwise, you know, itā€™s like, no thanks, Id rather not hang out with ya

I didnā€™t talk to my parents for like a decade from 20-30 but as an adult we have a much better, Iā€™ll even say good, relationship.


As the saying goes, you canā€™t teach an old dog any new tricks. the like to stuck to there reasons ect

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My parents are happy I donā€™t hang out with him

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I should mention heā€™s got a daughter (his crime wasnā€™t that sort) so if heā€™s able to support her more cause of the medicine i give, I figure thatā€™s a positive impact