TopShelfs trees (Part 5)

Morning all ye swashbucklers and rapscallions.


I would ask what size pot theyā€™re using too. The plant looks pretty big but we cant see the pot. Itā€™s possible it could be rootbound as well.


Ahh I see it a little better here. The one on the left is in one of those air prune deals but it does look larger. The one with the symptoms looks like a traditional plastic nursery pot. Maybe 1-2gal? Itā€™s hard to tell but it does look dry. I still think possible rootbound :man_shrugging:


Still waiting for more feedback from him but heā€™s got a few issues going on there


Good morning everyone. Have a great day


Good morning my friends!


Good morning all

People are quick to call rootbound in my experience. I can grow a giant plant out of a solo cup or less. Usually it is lockout or nutrients thatā€™s the real issue. A larger amount of medium usually provides more of a buffer for this and root growth to look for the missing nutrients.


I agree. The solo cup thread is pretty inspiring. It does take skill and previous knowledge to pull that off though.

Considering that the pot next to it is air pruning and looks in great health, I it seems like theyā€™re doing decent if not pretty well in watering. I personally found air pruning pots harder to keep moist. Anywho, just an observation. Looks like a larger plant in a smaller pot.

Iā€™m here to learn though, reading through yā€™all troubleshoot helps me get better as well :v:


Holy heck Iā€™m dying from the heat. I bet top shelf is too


Bank thermometer said 95f about 30-45min ago :frowning: This summer is gonna be HOT


Yes no joke. Gonna put ac in at end of month. Hopefully the window unit and portable can keep up with my amount of lights.


Out of likes btw :heart:


Thatā€™s approaching butt sweat hot @TrichomesToStun . I could walk to salt water from my house for 43 years now. @TopShelfTrees1 keeps threatening to come walk the beach with me. I want to fish with him. I donā€™t think either will happen tomorrow.
Just had the AC serviced on the missus 2002 Buick. Itā€™s cool at my house but my daughter whoā€™s 40 minutes away gets the heat. Sheā€™ll be 30-40 degrees hotter. Thatā€™s correctā€¦not 3-4 degrees. Iā€™ve seen 115 at her house and 58 at my place at the same time. Big shock either way opening a car door. Can you say Microclimate?


No doubt. I loved that about CA. I always thought our town was ā€˜speacialā€™. Near literally an hour drive in any direction and you could enjoy the climate you wantedā€¦ no snow in summer obviously :crazy_face:. It seem that most of CA is like that, though.

From Oxnard all the way up to Santa Barbara was where I enjoyed my free days in summer, if I wasnā€™t there it was Kern, LOTS of gold panning in San Gabriel and fishing those whole string of lakes/creeks on the 126 and 5(not to mention an offroading meca there as well). But yeah, always somewhere comfortable to be if you have the means to get there. For the cost of gas there is are a lot of destinations to enjoy the day.


Fingers crossed he goes fishing with you



The technician wrapped the sensor being triggered by the high RH% so if it floods itā€™ll soak through allowing the trigger to happen, but should keep the RH from triggering it otherwise! :crossed_fingers:

Then shortly after I got informed about this as a fun share!

Iā€™ve worked my ass off since 2006 looking after an artist-run film center and charity for creatives wanting to work with the moving image here in Toronto, Canada (aka: Hollywood North as most of :us: movies end up partially shooting here lol)

EVERYONE DESERVES TO BE ABLE TO TELL THEIR STORY, or do their art for their own reasons. Sad thing is that filmmaking ainā€™t cheap so we are here as a support for everyone thatā€™s starting up or already seasoned and want to do their own thingā€¦

ā€¦so it feels nice that a Toronto news station decided to focus on us as their fluff piece. :rofl:

CityNews Toronto

Leveling the playing field for filmmakers

A local organization is removing barriers so independent filmmakers can make art. Brandon Rowe gives us the history of LIFT.

Yes iā€™m in there. But itā€™s my style to be lurking in the dark so the showboats shine while I can keep out of the spotlight.



Iā€™m sure youā€™ve seen those bar graph type things that show what ph is optimal for each nute. Iā€™m sure @leetdood and anyone else whoā€™s looked online has seen them in some form. Each nute having a sweet spot, but also a tolerable range. The sweet spot for each nute doesnā€™t align exactly. Thatā€™s why I let my ph float a little from my 6-6.2 I shoot for. A little up one day. Down a different day. But always in range. I believe that allows the plants to take what they need.
I run multiple strains. One might like a slightly higher or lower nutes load than others. I donā€™t normally change my root drench, but try and address it by foliar feeding. Iā€™m sure if I put in the work, I could get more out of my plants.

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Absolutely agreed. Itā€™s an optimal ph range, not a specific number.

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When I was doing organics Iā€™d go about 6.2 to 6.7 in general. Now Iā€™m also feeding salts and Farmer Joe told me Scottā€™s (iirc) said promix is more like hydro in that aspect, so Iā€™ve been running between 5.8 and 6.2 depending on growth stage, but again, itā€™s a range to shoot for not an exact number you use every time. starts with around 5.8 in veg and ends with about 6.3 in late flower so youā€™d just shoot for something close and then something different next time.


Oxnard to SB is pretty cool. The zone above Goleta where 101goes inland is a jewel. I used to launch boats off the pier to go surfing.