TopShelfs trees (Part 5)

I sent him these pics of the sour in the seed tent, but I think he’s focusing on the fam right now

Gotta say it’s the least finicky sour I’ve ever run… actually grows like a normal plant, just with that silly 3x stretch structure. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Has been odd without him here. But I totally get taking some time aloof to refuckulate yourself, find some homeostasis. Hope he is ready to come back soon


Should be this upcoming week. He loves you guys and we talk about shit like focusing on positive aspects, connecting with friends, etc. Help each other see the upside of situations.


nice looking plant brohta ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you very much. It was a super quick flip to test the male and to get the extra plants out of the way. It’s been a huge learning experience because it’s the first time I’ve used a real LED grow light.

It was gifted to me by @TopShelfTrees1 actually :green_heart:


It’s a pheno of karma bx2 x sour d ibl (original, I usually say 08?) Selected by @DannyTerpintine

I feel like karmas work shines thru here. Less needy and faint OG profile. Thats what I see.

Pollinated by motorbreath 15 x (motorbreath x wedding crasher)

Mb15 from rarebuyer, breathcrasher pack from seed junky


Yes, switching to led is really an adventure. but you love it once you get the hang of it. at least that’s how it was for me :slight_smile:

i bet itś gone be tasty :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


Danny said he selected it for the effects, so I bet.

Can you guys see what i mean about the OG profile? I feel like being seeded adds to that look but it’s already there. Kinda wild to see the biker kush influence show up, it’s a great great granddaddy.

Mb bx1 male I used is chem dominant, so I’m really intrigued to see how the sour n chem Mashup goes. Diesel city? Hehe


Did I just accidentally come up with the f1 name? Hehe

Somehow not taken


its a good starting point then once you smoke it you can tweek it acording to results


True, if it somehow came out like strawberry or something that would be confusing

Breeding isn’t always additive after all


im curious sbout the seeds in the making i currently have going it was a planned unplanned event


Good morning @TopShelfTrees1, @m0sirys, @Redrum92, @amumayuk, and the rest of OG that is up! Happy holiday weekend to all! :wink::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I’m making seeds with the motorbreath bx1 male mentioned.

You can follow along in my thread Giesel, Tahoe, Irene, Rez ECSD, GMO, seedlings, and more! leetdood’s grow struggles, vol 2

This goes for most of you reading this, if we talk to each other usually, you can hop in and ask me for seeds nicely when I’m done. I like you guys.

@amumayuk I’ll continue this in DM I don’t want to hijack this thread with my grow. I know top shelf doesn’t mind at all but I gotta show some class.

If anybody has questions you can ask them of course but probably best to do it in my thread unless it’s an easy one. Don’t wanna dominate the conversation is all.


Oops, I just realized I misread this… what seeds do you have going?

Hate when I misunderstand stuff like that 🤦 but I’ve grown to accept I’m going to make mistakes in life

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Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far


You too @HighTilliDie

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As long as the tent that comes in today is correct today should be all good. I’ll be so mad if I took that 4x8x6 down and then amazon sends me some returned product bs. It happens a lot with the tents surprisingly


I’m not surprised. Get as big as possible, then start cutting corners. That seems to be a common corporate life cycle.


Night shift came in on overtime and broke the machine im usually running. Ive been training on the machine next to it for the last 2 weeks but it never fails nightshift comes in on OT for no reason takes all the good long jobs and breaks our machines smh. At least this time it’s not me getting the shit end of the stick lol