Trash or smash this grass stash?

Me thinks the ice would cause agitation regardless of if its intended use.
Ice wears continents down.
I would also agree the ice probably helps to bring out chlorophyll as much if not more than it does for THC specifically.


I’m going to take Frenchy’s word for it, he knew his hash that’s for sure.


Into the bubble bags!!!
It’s like high of 20 here, perfect for bubble if I had the bags!


Run it as planned bro :sunglasses:, you will be surprised! :open_mouth:

Fuck me I was secretly hoping yall would tell me to chuck it. Now i need to do it.
Gonna watch some youtube and figure out my process. its a lot of bud to run.
From what i remember I put all of the bud in a huge bin and mix that up a while. Then run the wash water through the bags. -correct?
After that i can do a second run with everything in the work bag once all the stems are removed and everything is broken down.


Also can make rso with it decarb it throw freeze some everclear and the decarbed weed in some jars give it a shake for awhile strain through coffee filter and reduce down using rice cooker in well vented area




How much everclear would be needed to soak 5 lbs? I dint even want to buy ice lol

Oh it would be a lot of everclear for 5 lbs :joy:


Instead, use Culinary Alcohol, 200 Proof. Get shipped from They’re located right here in Maine. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I like the suggestion.
I think ima stick with free water my muscles and a set of bubble bags/ rosin press that I already own.


i’m kind of lazy when it comes to processing weed. i’d put it all in a crockpot with butter and let it sit for a few hours, then to the freezer and wait for it to separate. we used to put that on everything. mashed potatoes, toast, biscuits, pancakes, cookies, anything that used butter. never tried it on year old weed though. not much effort though.

5#s doesn’t really fit in a crock pot either. also how much coconut oil would i need? I have found a few feathers and snail shells while looking for mold…


Go for it! I mean… you got a big bag for FREE!

There’s some people in the world who would give their left arm for such a quantity of weed right now. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Once it starts kicking in you might wonder why you waited so long.

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I’d remove sticks and stems, just buds.

The point about outdoor temps being what they are right now… hits home for me. Iv got trim iv been wanting to do forever…

If you guys dont make that hash, I will never speak to you again! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


im gonna make the fuckin hash lol. Tomorrow… Waiting for this free ice to fill my buckets overnight.
I will take pictures.
Processing tote → 220 work bag
220->90 will be pressed(would you use a 190 bag and discard? )
90->45 will be for smoking- (should i make the 90 73?)
25 TBD


I do 220 160 45 I don’t bother with the 25


True, from what i remember the 25 its either great stuff or filled with silt. I guess for field grown random crap it just a waste of time to run the 25 bag. You only make 2 grades? For edibles? I was under the impression there is still large dust in the 190 and the "decent smoking stuff started after the 90 bag.

I use the 160 only because I find it collects some undesirable stuff.

I don’t use the 90 or the 73 and just collect it all in the 45.

If you’re going to press it I submit that it doesn’t matter.

I find the 45u makes a product that agrees with me.

If you’re going full spectrum down to the 25 then maybe it’s worth keeping but if you’re pulling out all the good stuff beforehand the 25 is junk.