Trehalose what is it? How does it effect plant growth? How does it help with stress such as salt, drought or freezing?

Then there is this to consider…Reinfection after being cleaned.
When applied to plant foliage, many chemicals will prevent virus infection of plants from mechanical inoculation (Ilatthews and Snlith, 19.55).

If we can prevent infection/transmission that would also be big news.
At least to me it would be, but again, I seem to be easily impressed. :rofl:

When additional sprays of Cytovirin (25ppm) were applied 24 hours before and after inoculation of tobacco with a virus by aphids, 8 of 60 tobacco plants that received additional applications of Cytoviritt showed an infection reduction of 58%.

cited from The Use of Antiviral Chemicals to Protect Plants against Some
Viruses Transmitted by Aphids’

Too big to post here and is behind a paywall.
If you need it feel free to message me to get it.


Poke weed is another natural choice for anti-viral.
I have this right in my back yard.
Pokeweed Antiviral Protein: Its Cytotoxicity Mechanism and Applications in Plant Disease Resistance

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I just made a screen shot what they found with other viroids


Wow dude! :exploding_head:
We are really tuned into each other. :slightly_smiling_face:
I was just reading about the same thing but got side tracked in the other virus thread.

Very interesting that salicylic acid was used.
I like to use that with chitosan already, we should add that to the mix in rotation so as not to get too many things in one solution.

The shock therapy sounds very cool.
Makes me wonder if the right vibration frequency would inactivate/eliminate it in the same way?
This is very interesting in deed, thank you for sharing that with us! :star_struck:

What if we could inactivate the virus?
I think that is as close to death as it gets for a virus other than destruction.
That brings up the question, is inactivating a virus the same as destroying it or eliminating it? :thinking:

Ultraviolet, irradiation of plants inactivates virus in epidermal tissues
Irradiating plants for 4 minutes stopped most, infections without visibly damaging the plants.

The results with trichothecin were by far the most promising.

Potato virus Y inactivated in tobacco inoculated by aphids
bradley1957.pdf (622.7 KB)

@shag what you said. Rotation. Been following you guys here. I think rotation is as important, or moreso, than individual ingredients.
Been thinking about pushing gypsum. So if water can only ubsorb so many solids, does pushing one starve a different one? For some time I have rotated almost everything. Base nutes but dif adds dif days.
Can the same approach be used on a virus? Hitting it from all angles?

Yes my last 2 sprays had salci in it to boost sar if we use to early it will harm production of the plant as i remember of the ic forum days

Now we need only ornamentals to hear his opinion😉

Think of your feed solution like this.
Put a tablespoon of sugar in a glass of water, stir well, it disappears.
Add another, it seems like you could go on forever, but you will soon see the sugar settling out of the solution.
The excess sugar can not stay in suspension so it falls out.

Then we have things that combine in solution to become something totally different and fall out of solution.
So that will need to be considered here also

Which fertilizers should not be mixed?

Fertilisers that cannot be mixed together

  • Calcium fertilisers with sulphate fertilisers. …
  • Phosphate fertilisers with magnesium. …
  • Calcium fertilisers with phosphate. …
  • Ammonium sulphate with potassium chloride or potassium nitrate.
  • Non-chelated micronutrients with phosphate fertilisers in some acidic media.

I suggested to add yucca as the surfactant for many reasons, one of which is its anti-viral properties.
I buy mine here, high quality and the best deal I have found.
it is in the USA, it is not in russia. :upside_down_face:

Saponins are good antiviral agents and have a steroid like activity.

A compatible virus–host interaction leading to systemic infection requires replication of the virus genome in addition to cell to cell and long-distance movement through the plant vascular system. Disruption of any of these processes results in incompatible interactions, which is often mediated by host resistance factors.

Disruption and suppression of the virus is important.
This is our goal if we can not eliminate the virus completely.

from the article above.

MeJa may or may not help us here.

exogenously applied methyl jasmonate (MeJA) reduced local resistance to TMV and permitted systemic viral movement in Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) cultivars while the silencing of CORONATINE-INSENSITIVE 1 (COI1), a JA receptor, reduced viral accumulation in a tobacco cultivar possessing the N gene, as did that of allene oxide synthase, a JA biosynthetic enzyme ([Oka et al., 2013](javascript:;)).

The brass is a good addition to the mix.
Brassinosteroids (BRs) have also been identified as a plant defence inducer against viruses ([Nakashita et al., 2003](javascript:;)). Wild-type tobacco treated with brassinolide (BL) exhibited enhanced resistance to TMV.

It may be good to add a balance of auxin and cytokinin, the virus may or may not affect the way the genes function as well, just in case something is going wrong but we can’t see it.
This will help prevent any symptoms from showing up visibly.
It will give the plant what it needs if it can not make it fast enough.
Reducing hormone output could be the reason for the physical appearance of the plant, why it looks ill and has low energy.


Well anytime you use any of the stress activators it comes at a cost.
Most times it is minimal but if you use it too much or too often the plant focuses on defence instead of bud production.

If used properly I have found little to no difference in terms of yeild.
That was done without a side by side or control though so take that for what it is worth.
But eveyone is different.
I do not use it in the swell stage, I hope to get max plant matter at that time.
I do use it before and after, sometimes during swell to but that is where I would leave it out if I wanted to get the most bud formation.

That would be nice, he may or may not want to help.
I think he is making money at his trade, but you never know, he was a mighty fine gent. :heart_eyes:

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I’ve been using yucca for a couple years now. Same stuff. getting low, 2#s in my cart now. Chitosan. Regalia on my outdoor stuff too. I know it’s not the same animal I’m addressing. But reduced yield is still in play for me.
I brew AACT per the Microbe man’s formula. This seems to have the most positive VISIBLE effect. Plants just look better.


Funny you should mention it. :slightly_smiling_face:
I was just looking at the anti-viral activity of knotweed.
It is a broad antiviral , with scientific research demonstrating efficacy against influenza and several other viruses. Two important substances of Japanese knotweed rhizomes with well-studied and confirmed antiviral activity are emodin and resveratrol phenolic compounds belonging to the anthraquinone and stilbene groups, respectively.

These bioactive compounds have shown in vitro activity against Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), SARS-CoV-2, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), and more.


Hey, I think this is awesome :+1: The micromole crap still is a waste of time Like the ppm format better :joy:


Yes, I have heard this and think this is something people should be looking at especially now that 90% of all the commercial facilities are infected. Maybe need to get this thread some noise :loud_sound:


@shag years ago the grow store guy suggested Protect, Regalia, and Natures Nectar Pure Flowers 0-30-20 phosphite, not phosphate. Foliar applied for mold.
I used it outside. Still have mold. Would it be worse if I didn’t? I’m sure grow store guy would say so…

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Sulfur works better but you don’t want that on your buds.
Use sulfur to rid the plant and use the other for maintenance and in flower.
There is not much I would spray on my buds but those ingredients are not that bad.
Some of those ingredients induce stress and that can increase cannabinoid production.
So mold is not the only reason to use some of those products.
You forgot to include the chitosan. :wink:

And yes it would probably be a lot worse if you did not use those things.
PM can turn your whole plant white in a day or so under the right conditions.
Also, it is probably a good idea to drop the ProTekt in flower.

Link to sulfur.

@crownpoodle This is a great thread on how to do the sulfur.


Then there is this method to be considered for veg plants too.

Got a bag in the shed for my outdoor this year. @shag certain stuff I won’t spray on buds period. Once they reach a certain point, I’ve got a pretty good, or is it bad?, Idea how it’s going to turn out. I’m starting later this year, so we’ll see. The yard has a mind of its own.

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Hey @shag check this video out lots of stuff that we talked about and that i noticed without university study and professors how did someone called it? Bro science
They discussed recirculating water and roots both big in my system (recirculating ebb and flow and 3 years of nonstop dead roots in my reused rockwool flakes)
They discussed also 12/12 the explosion of infected tops against 24/0 light
So my "bro science " experiments are inline what they are testing
My goal was how to save my system and how to outrun hplvd
You remember what i wrote you 3 days ago :wink: those where the plants that got sprayed from the beginning :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Trehalose can be a problem in the case of two different types of Clostridium difficile infection, if you are exposed to these strains and are otherwise susceptible. At the very least, any person who is suffering from a C. difficile infection should consider eliminating trehalose from their diet for the duration of the infection.


You know a couple interesting things buddy. You always make me think. Appreciate it.