TrevorLahey's Trailer Park 2021

Hey @ReikoX, when you built your press how snug were your cartridges in the holes?

Testing on wood prior to the plates and I have about 100 bits here but only 2 that will work for my particular cartridge, one that is a bit too small and one that is a bit too big. The one that’s too small takes a LOT of reaming to get it to accept the cart, but the one that’s too big is only the slightest amount too big and the cart can slide in and out freely with a ~0.4mm gap.


Mine were tight, they are never coming out… I used graphite dry lubricant to get them in there.


I have that on hand, perhaps I should try that + a bit of reaming. Measuring both the cartridge and the bit with a caliper and they are both 9.4mm teetering on 9.5mm.


Finished up the tumbler

Probably should have used a larger mesh, seeing as I’m going to be pressing most of the product anyway. 110 mesh I think is 150 micron? I found with my bags the 160 bag catches some stuff that still presses good.

I’m going to let it run with nothing in it overnight, then if nothing is on fire tomorrow I’m going to throw in a bunch of half processed trim from the last year and let this thing run for a few days.


It works!!


Thats great, a lot slower than I was expecting.

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Where’s da keef?


It’s meant to be ran continuously overnight, or even for days at a time. My research on tumblers led me to find that this speed is ideal for this kind of purpose.

After running it just for an hour with trim that had already been sifted by hand, there was still a noticeable film of kief on the bottom of the tray. This thing is working. I can’t wait to try unprocessed trim in it lol.

Was also worried that the mesh was a bit too small but it’s letting plenty of good pressing material through.


Couple hours tumbling already-been-sifted trim.


Defoliated like 70% of the leaves from the plants in the SP250 tent today.

The two big plants on the far right are GRxCD and they never grow like this, so strange. So I crammed the 6 other plants to the left and flopped and trained the big GRCDs into the center.

Should be fine… for now lol


Let the tumbler run for a couple days with some already-been-sifted trim, ended up with 9gs. A little green, but since it’s going to be pressed it doesnt matter. Have 13gs of sift now and still a lot more old junk to process.

And of course loaded some more already-been-sifted trim in it and started the spin cycle again.

Going to have lots of sift to play with in the press which I’m just finishing up the electronic bits on now.

SP250 tent is filled out! Not a bit of wasted space in here!

And trimming all the plants in the Bridgelux tent tomorrow or Monday, I keep putting it off but realizing now I’m actually getting kinda low on smoke, not a good feeling but one I haven’t felt in a long ass time.


You’ll be in dab heaven soon enough man :grin::grin:


So you have trim powder, not trichome powder.


It’s not bad, actually, coming from someone who smokes quality sift pretty regularly.

Looking under the scope it’s ~75% stalks and heads, with a little grit and the odd tiny pistil that worked it’s way through the mesh.

I found when pressing sift with my old press and a filter, it gave good results regardless of how refined it was, but I would get more rosin per gram from the better quality sift.

But in making the better quality sift, I was leaving a lot of trichomes behind due to only sifting it for a few minutes at a time, by hand.

The tumbler gets almost everything off with hardly anything left behind. No dry ice, no water. It can then be further refined through a 75u screen but that step really isnt needed if you’re pressing it through 75u or 110u screen in the end.


Shit, got me sold. I’ll take 2.


I am thinking the same thing as Syn, how much did it cost to make that tumbler :thinking:

I have pounds of trim sitting around doing nothing, it would be good to have something you can just load and run and not use my valuable time working on it.


The rotisserie motor was purchased on FB marketplace for $5. Funny because I was like “I wanna build a tumbler lemme search marketplace for a rotisserie motor” and bam one had been posted the day prior.

The mesh was I think $17 but I got like 50sqft of it for other projects.

$13 for 6 foot threaded rod and nuts and washers.

Tote I had on hand, plywood I had on hand.

That’s pretty much where I’m at. All this trim I’ve been processing was already processed by hand and I really thought I got most of the good stuff out. But time in the tumbler proved there was still lots behind. So I’m processing like 7lbs of old, already been processed trim, and still getting lots of kief!


I could just run my trim in alcohol to RSO but it would take a couple of gallons to process and a lot of time as you have to be there watching so it doesn’t burn when the alc is nearly all removed by the distiller. I would not mind a bit of hash for a change, and I could always run the kief through alcohol as well and save a lot of processing time and alc. I have everything on hand except the motor and screen mesh. Facey book market place here I come :+1:


So I finished the press build. It works!

Problem though, pressing sift through my usual coffee filter method, the rosin all got stuck in the filter!

I’m assuming I need to invest in some of those 120 micron rosin bags? Shit, now to wait another 2 weeks for Amazon to ship them here.


yep definitely need some of those bags. I forget which size I used I think it was 25 microns.