Trichome Microscopy 🔬 Harvest Timing Science

Skip to the later posts for the trichome shots, here’s my favorites so far:
Click the imgur link below each image for HIGHER RESOLUTION version.

-Imgur: The magic of the Internet

-Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Based on this study:

  • Trichome heads have a cuticle which bursts/tears and secretes (exudes) resin when they mature.
  • This bursting and secretion happens around the same time as trichomes start to turn amber.

And, as we know,

  • Ambering of trichomes is due to oxidation of phenolic compounds (cannabinoids).
  • Oxidation is neither good or bad, but it IS the reduction of THCA to other compounds (CBN and others, hard to find studies on it specifically).

So, my take is, generally:

  • If we see amber trichomes, the heads have already started to oxidize, and separately, have started to tear open and leak/ooze resin.


Which leads me to believe that an “early” harvest is the way to go for maximizing potential cannabinoid levels, not just because of avoiding oxidation, but because amber trichome heads leak resin. I assume that we want to keep the resin IN the trichome head, basically.

I recall that DJ Short recommends an early harvest, when trichomes are still clear. That said we just have a absolute litany of parroted posts on every forum stating “two more weeks” and to seek some % of amber trichomes. In a world of disinformation, I guess I’m starting to think that commonly memed knowlege is usually “wrong”.

Does anyone have any experience in this domain?

FWIW, I am harvesting a test subject of Barney’s Farm LSD over the course of around two (2) weeks, where the first colas were pulled with crystal clear trichomes at day 64F. I’ll pull a few more when they are cloudy, and then the rest with 50% amber. Then, a blind testing process will begin. Wish me luck!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Harvesting for full medicinal potency

13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Harvesting for full medical-potency

Tend to agree @LD50 :+1:The majority of THC\THCVA is in the clear to cloudy heads, the amber is the oxidized THC to CBD and CBDN, which I don’t prefer. If fact all the CBD hemp crap isn’t beneficial to my particular gastrointestinal/anxiety issues. Seems to upset my system more than settle it. Just slight at 10% I think is adequate but personal preference is part of this, and someone may prefer heavier affects as opposed to more cerebral and functional. However when seed maturation is added to this equation to me this is latest end of the window. Once seed maturation is complete is when degradation begins. I haven’t seen over 25% at this stage so this is a good gauge of the latest to harvest without letting it go too long. Seed is always a sacrifice to peak THC ratio harvesting. Also depends on lineage as some sativa need more CBD ratio to THC and Indica less CBD to THC to be the right balance of cannabinoids. That’s my thoughts on the subject. Your argument for earlier harvest is sound and logical :clap:


Not necessarily. Good timing can yield excellent hash from the trash.


Right, I was saying in regard to THC to CBD ratio. You sacrifice some THC ratio for higher CBD to mature seed. Without seed maturity the THC ratio can be higher if that’s the preference.


Yes that would make sense because I often give seeds a little more time so the detritus would be a little more aged anyway which suits me.


It’s subjective, I think, at the end of the day. Peak production of one cannibinoid to achieve the best effect would be too easy, i surmise that cannabis loves each one of us right back, and between phenos, cannibinoid degradation from cbg on down, and choppy chop times there’s a lil something for everyone

I love that an idea and a preference means we gotta go searching for absolutes in order to be the first one who’s “right”. Different weed hits different people different

Just because my son won’t eat green beans because “they aren’t his favorite” doesn’t mean he isn’t going to eat them.

Maybe a bad analogy lol

But sign me up for the first cure all test subject if somebody thinks they have the end-all lol


Imagine one food that satisfies all dietary needs , no such thing, not since breast milk anyways, and then the thrill of the chase would dwindle


Soy. All soy.

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You get any sleep since the like-a-palooza? Lol :v: here’s another heart for you to wear on your sleeve :rofl:

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I cruise for likes 24/7. Like a shark


If you stop moving you drown. Yeah man, I know, I know me too


Ravenous and dead eyed

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I noticed that too, since like 2 days you’re non stop commenting. Are you on a meth or coke binge @Foreigner? :laughing:

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I’m on a 2 day binge of extremely minimal sleep. I might as well be on speed really.


I know that feeling quite well, also without coke. (fuck meth)

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I get drugs for free…


Redacted, well intentioned but poor joke haha

I used to always harvest earlier when the pistils were 1/2 brown and 1/2 white or right when the majority of pistils had turned brown. This was pre magnifiying glass for me and I always enjoyed the smoke.

Now with my seed making, I am almost always pushing them a little past their prime. Smoke is usually heavier. I think I probably preferred the earlier harvest, and think the turpines and flavors were actually a little better then too.