Trichome Microscopy šŸ”¬ Harvest Timing Science

Nice! :star_struck:
Any chance you have a link?
Some of us old school guys have been saying this for years.
Weed growers are fickle, they love their amber trichomes and cal/mag.

Stalk length ect is a good indication of ripeness.
Some of these camera happy folks are looking at the heads to see if they become cloudy and get wrinkled and even burst as an indication of ripeness.

I donā€™t mean to answer for him but yes.
Really any kind of sugar will work the same way.
Table sugar is fine, but the more natural the sugar the better.

It is hard to think of a more natural sugar than Maple syrup.


Hereā€™s a screenshot of the discussion section that talks about their results relevant to stalk length as a predictor.

If no one can find it as a pdf for free let me know and I can get a copy up, but it would be a compressed file because of the size and that may seem shady from a new boyā€¦


Thank you for the reply!


Quick question;

If I have lots of trichomes growing early on a plant - could I scrape them off the leaves with a razor ( or something.) and smoke etc, and would they grow back again - and if so , would they be bigger etc .?

Anyone have any ideas on this .?
Just curious ā€¦ :+1:. :joy:.

Happy Christmas ā€¦ :santa:.

@Gaz29 definitely try it! And report back to us! Call it live live extract.

Seriously though, charas is a similar thing,
involving the stroking of live colas to collect resin on bare hands. Not sure if they are able to go back to the same plants for more at a later date though.

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Nah, itā€™s just something im curious about - but I was thinking of charasā€™ when i first thought about it.

IF ,- i get a ā€˜Frostyā€™ enough plant, i will try scraping off some of the biggest tricsā€™ and see if they grow back. :+1:.

Also looking for anyone who has tried/heard of like this .?!

Happy growing peepsā€™ .!

Gaz. :facepunch:.


Shit wonā€™t grow back thatā€™s my personal guarantee.


@JoeCrowe :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I am inclined to agree with you. Trichomes are energetically expensive to make and are full of secondary metabolites. They are called secondary because they are not vital to plant function and reproduction but represent an excess of nutrients the plant can spend. Once a plant gets into flowering, its focused on making seed and any secondary metabolites take a backseat.


I feel like this thread belongs in the #breeders-lab and not the #smokers-lounge :thinking:

All this talk of trichomes. How do you guys feel about particular trichomes?

Do you prefer the dry sandy type?
Do you prefer the super sticky type?
What about the really greasy oneā€™s that arenā€™t really sticky?

I find the dry sandy oneā€™s are really good for making hash. Makes sense :sweat_smile:

The really sticky flowers I find make me cough a bit more or at the least, they arenā€™t as smooth as some other, not really sticky, flowers.

The Greasy flowers though, those seem to be really really smooth smoke regardless. Iā€™ve been leaning towards trying to breed for the greasy flowers specifically :face_with_monocle:

I have no idea what makes the trichomes greasy or sticky or dry and sandy. What say you? What do you prefer to smoke? Have you noticed a difference?


Nice contribution.
That is some stuff I never thought about. :thinking:


I tend to agree with this!! In my experience, feeding the exact same program to everything I grow, itā€™s a genetic trait like calf muscle size. One could probably influence the expression of it +/-, but Iā€™ve had greasy ganky flowers growing right next to ā€œdryā€ feeling flowers and itā€™s justā€¦ trichomes under the scope.

My early bet, is that some strains have trichome caps with thicker or more resilient cuticles which pop less. Less popping, less resin (grease). The idea of sticky vs. greasy is something I feel is ā€œa real thingā€ but I would say if anything, that distinction comes down to how much the resin has polymerized vs how much is liquid oil and to some extent, what concentration of terps (VOCs, think paint thinner) exist in the resin.

Silica mayyyyy contribute to a more resilient cuticle and this, a drier more hash-friendly plant.

The common signs of good bud (greasy stinky) are also signs of weak cuticles.


Yā€™all are making my head hurt!.. I just wanna know if my bud is donešŸ˜‰

Best shots I can get from the phone 8x zoom.


So while I enjoy your humor I also donā€™t make a huge hobby of celebrating the idea that things are too hard to understand!!.


Would I be right in thinking weak cuticles, that offer stanky buds would in fact be a lesser quality overall product? The weaker cuticles allowing terps to volatilize, while stronger cuticles would keep more of those terps in the trichome?


lemme go down to the lab and feel some buds. Gimme a sec and Iā€™ll say whats what.

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Meh, they all feel the same. I took a small piece of parchment to test for stick. I used a single finger to squeeze and rub the bud, then I stuck the parchment to it and counted the seconds it could defy gravity.
Each plant has a vastly different hash yield though.


I find a lot do feel the same. The greasy flowers Iā€™ve seen recently though, are from triangle kush and the chem91.

Iā€™ve not really seen many if any greasy flowers in stuff like nl, haze, blueberry, etc. least recently anyways.

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If we assume that preservation of trichome caps is paramount, yes any leakage is a loss. Hash makers would completely agree with this I suspect. They want rugged caps to wash/sift.

But a lot of people include the sensory experience of opening a jar in the overall ā€œWhat quality means to meā€ and I cannot blame them one bit. They may want to be assaulted by evaporating terps, and covered in greasy resin.

So really I think flower, jarred, for the ritual of opening, grinding, consumingā€¦ thatā€™s where we might want a nice sticky/greasy experience. Sensory adders! For hash, we might want the caps more intact.

All of this stuff exists within the margins and is really the upper 99th percentile of quality difference to most of us, me included, itā€™s all good in the end!!

BTW I greened-out for the first time in a lonnnng while off of one hit of Bodhiā€™s Lazy Lightning. The lemon cleaning agent terps are too much. I start thinking that maybeā€¦ maybe too much terp isnā€™t a good thing. Especially if thereā€™s something my body isnā€™t agreeing with!


I know why you mean about your olfactory senses and ritual being a part of the effects. My climate shifts a lot between winter (cold/dry) and summer (hot/humid) and depending on what time of year bud is grown and dried, I believe, makes a difference on the level of smell coming off the buds. The winter crops always smell less and it makes me feel like the bud is lacking somehow when it is mostly likely exactly the same or very similar. By my reasoning the buds should be ā€œstrongerā€ somehow but itā€™s not the case in my perception of the experience

I think about this a lot. I spend a lot of time cultivating and protecting trichomes and then I grind the crap out of them at the last minute :joy:

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Ha yep, all that work ground into a resinous slurry. Weā€™re all just practicing mandala sand art :yum: