Trichome Microscopy 🔬 Harvest Timing Science

Ha ha character, ftw

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That’s the caveat of earlier, ignoring hairs and paying attention to glands.


B-but what about the terps? :pleading_face:

In my early days of growing, I went through two different phases. The first phase was I was so keyed up to sample my wares, I would takes them at 7 weeks because I couldn’t stand the wait any longer. The second phase was people telling me that most of the potency, bulk and weight would be put on in the last two weeks of flower, so hold hold off as long as you can. Now, I just go by feel. I think after you’ve grown enough plants, you develop a feel for when they’re ready. I never check trichs anymore. I have a scope, but I feel like the plant tells me when it’s ready. I agree with Doug and Foreigner. It’s really personal preference. Try both and choose what you prefer.


Sugar solutions increase gland production bringing more pronounced loud terps. I’m very pro flushing/sugars learning early why I had poor burning bud as youngster and a commercial like flavor than it’s own natural.


You mean like brix? Or a bad cure?

Humboldt Sweet sticky or Foop sweetner. I’ve about used a bottle of sticky and sweet, but it’s coy on the sugars. I’ve got foop next since they list their complex sugars on the bottle.


sometimes circumstances play a part and you have to chop early to move other stuff through…I was testing many yrs ago and was always running time dependent…one day I decided to cut a plant earlier than ever expected and it became one of my all time most memorable highs!!!..go figure!!!pic enclosed is a breeding program gooeybreeder did with sub and blended gooey mom into f1 jtr seedstock direct from sub 17 yrs ago…and I shit you not…you can view that pic and see for yourself…at least another 2 or 3 weeks…very much living…minimal Amber trichs…but it shot my conscious so wildly it was like a steroidal trip to the moon heavily sedative cerebral smash…I’ve wrote to him for nearly 20 yrs periodically nagging him that this was his greatest work…to date!!!..and I fooking chopped it that early…my advice is check every particular window you can and test your prize thoroughly before deciding you have to let a plant die at your critical point…you will be amazed sometimes at what you find…Well I have been anyway!!!lolol


I harvest based on scoping trichs. I shoot for standard. All milky with a few clear and 20-25% amber. Seems to work, but its subjective.


Fatty McFatty :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :peace_symbol:

Week 10 just ending and they got some sugar from me tonight, these girls get another week to chew on that:


What if high terp aroma means the plant is exuding tons of resin that you’d rather have IN the trichome head?

If it were still captured inside a healthy gland you would not smell it as much.

Smells like spilled terps in here!

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This. It’s not really a potency or ripeness issue with “two weeks” it’s a way to get noobs to chill out so they don’t harvest early. It’s only natural to get overexcited.


I got one of these too!

Home/farm made mofos.


Define “early” if not a potency or ripeness issue.

Define ripeness!

Context here, it (2 weeks) certainly started for that exact reason years and years ago, before commonly owned cell phones could take macro shots, but these days, a picture of clear trichome heads will have 90%+ on this very forum stating to wait… the meme stuck but the metric moved from pistils to trichome color because we can now share trichome shots.

I know it’s dependent on many factors but maybe we’re all forgetting that the secondary oxidation effects are encourage to happen during the cure. That’s what curing does. Harvesting with non-ruptured trichome heads is the interesting part of this topic to me!


If you chop at 6 weeks you will have something that could reasonably be called weed. Noobs are always 2 weeks early. Almost always.

It’s a bit early for me to define anything for you. One man’s early is another man’s perfect…


No one here is harvesting at 6 weeks. When you have a chance to up that horsepower for the day, I’m interested to know what you personally think is early on your personal grows.

People do.

I have sufficient experience that if I choose to finish early it’s a choice not a reflex “I’m a noob what do I do” move.

You seem to be searching for perfection. There is no such thing. Ripeness is a window not a predefined hour of hyper ripeness.


With regard to “leaking” trichomes, where are you worried the resin is going? I don’t think it’s evaporating. It’s still there at harvest, just not inside the trichome. At least that’s my presumption. It’s as sticky as glue, it’s not going to just blow away.

That said I tend to agree that the common wisdom of “wait until X% amber trichs” might not be optimal in every case. I grew some Wappas last year that had the most insane terp profile at F60 but the trichs were very clear. By the time the trichs got cloudy / amber the perfume the plant was putting off was much less interesting. I took samples along the way and think the plant was best consumed around F65-70 but with the caveat that she did get bigger those last two weeks.


As an addition it depends. I grew an 8 week indica and a 14 week sativa. Both have different indications of ripeness at very different times. Some of the sativas never ambered.

They are ready when I say they are and I do this by feel and sometimes smell. I check trichs too but it’s usually academic.