Tried something different with my clones

Thought i would share. I usually use a modified aero cloner. But, decided to go simple and see the results. I took cuttings 7 days ago, put in plastic cups, and another cup taped on top. I opened them this moring, and viola. I like it.

easy to transplant, and transport…for outdoor grow.


Very interesting. Recyclable to.

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Kinda forget sometimes the simplicity of things. I put 4 drain holes in the cup, filled with soil, heavy perlite, and soaked it. Put the cutting in, taped another cup on top, and put under my 400w veg MH. I transplanted 3 already, and I dont think my “high tech, auto cooled,O2 infused” cloner does any better of a job, plus this is one less step. I am just so surprised at how these things look as I open them up, never in a million years did I think they all would be all perky prayin to the MH.

Just out of curiosity, if you guys bought a clone, and it came like that, and looked like that, would you be happy with it? I always ask myself, if i would buy that. You know, like a little 6 pack of girls…haha Also, if you look at my other pics, you will noticed I changed to clear cups now. Just so I can see them.

Here is one in the clear cups.

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I had one curl its leaves up and in, in a very fast way. I had just popped the top to give air. It went back to normal shortlt after closing it up. I have seen them wilt, but never seen one curl up?!? Its on day 3.

Ha! Ha! Sounds cool. Probably humidity. Wouldn’t let it worry you.

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You know, my room is getting awfully crowded…i need a larger area…lol

That is what i call, a good problem to have.

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All right, no curling today!

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They’re looking good @MysteryMoog. I’d feel pretty safe buying. You never said if you used and rooting hormones or anything, but I’m assuming you did, yeah?

No. Just cut them, and put them in the cups. Id tell you what soil im using for them…but people may shoot me…lol they are rooting fast, looks to be day 4 i take the top off, and away they can go. But, im keeping them on for 7 days straight without opening, and they are ready to go when i pop them. Im kinda shocked how easy it is this way.

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Just took this group of cuttings.

one of them, i took from one in flower at 4 weeks. Should be a serious bush, if it takes.

And @Eddie.saw with great fear of retribution… I give to you, the devils secret cup sauce…lol. I literally take a cutting, stuff my pinky finger in the cup to make a hole, put the cutting in, work the dirt into it, cut leaves to fit, cover with cup. Wait 7 days, then plant. Seems to be the formula anyways…haha


Hey if it isn’t broke don’t try to fix it right? Lmao

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This is an idiot moment. I have built a self cooling, 02 infused, clone king, running in its own controlled environment. Wth was i thinking?!? Dirt, cups, cuttings, light…all that is needed.



This is the way it should be, simple, and inexpensive. I dont even put a cup on top sometimes.

I have all the fancy stuff like a turboklone 96 site with a dome, and I dont care too much for it.


@GrowerGoneWild at least I’m not the only one…lol. Though, I am using both methods right now, my aero cloner, and cups. I can see me going just the cup route possibly though.

hell yeah. back to the old ways. i use a seed trays and domes with soil instead of using any plugs or whatever. i always have soil around but i run out of plugs

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