Trinity's First Grow - Organic Lemon Ice

:evergreen_tree:Big exciting harvest postā€¦:evergreen_tree:

So we decided to chop them down. Been at it since Sunday, when I took the top colas from the three with the milkiest trichomes down and trimmed them up. Two more came down yesterday, with the final major chop earlier this evening.

Thanks @Esrgood4u for the tip on just taking the colas, there are still plenty of smaller, lower buds and popcorn still chugging away in the cab. I forgot to get a pic before lights out, but will get one tomorrow.

Above is a pic of all main colas. The nugs we managed to trim off accidentally are in the tray, and the trim so far is in the storage box. This was just before hanging them up in my new DIY drying chest. Thereā€™s a standard large bic lighter hidden in the middle there for scale :wink:

Made another DIY louvre like I did for my veg wardrobe conversion. Installed a little PC fan in the back bottom corner, aimed below the buds to keep air moving internally, and outletā€™s being taken care of by a little 4" inline booster fan. You canā€™t see it, but itā€™s gaffer taped to the little carbon filter, and is running through that insulated ducting out.

Max temps in the cab are no higher than 25degC, and drop down to around 17degC.

Humidity fluctuates between low forties and mid-fifties throughout the day.

The weatherā€™s been really unpredictable and hot/humid lately, and thereā€™s only so much I can do about that. Iā€™ve got the air moving in the room (outside the cabs) a lot better than before now, so thatā€™s helping to keep fresh air exchanging regularly.

Anyways, fingers crossed it all dries out OK. Next trick is curing :slight_smile:

Hopefully itā€™s a decent yield. By the looks of it, it wonā€™t be a let down for a first try!


Edit - P.S. huge thanks to everyone who helped keep this grow on track, Iā€™m definitely attributing at least an ounce or two to your input, if not the whole yield, haha!

Honourable mentions to @Explorer @Esrgood4u @paintedfire420 @ReikoX @beacher @Tinytuttle and everybody else that answered my many questions or pointed out what I was doing wrong. Next runā€™s gonna be loads of fun, Iā€™ve learnt so much that I canā€™t wait to put into practise!

Overgrowā€™s the best x


Looks good mate now await your disappointment when it begins to shrink in front of your eyes :rofl: all seriousness youā€™ve done well for a first try mate at a guess out of the colas and tray Iā€™d stab at about 4-6 oz dry :+1:


woohoo! Happy Harvest Trinity! :slight_smile::tada::tada::tada: Itā€™s always a good to to make it to harvest successfully.


I think harvest looks great ! Itā€™s like growing your own tomatoes makes it worth it when your take that first bite/ toke of something you grew yourself! Makes it worth it !


Awesome harvest! Very meticulous trim job too :+1:

Honestly I would ditch the PC fan and just let the ambient air movement from the exhaust flow through themā€¦slow and low! Either way theyā€™ll dry nicely at that temp/humidity.


Feels good to have got to the end without disaster.

Feel like the false alarm on the pests probably set us back a bit, plus I feel like the environment could still do with tweaking. Temps and humidity are at the mercy of the weather more than Iā€™d like, but measures like air conditioning feel like too bigger expense/another big thing in my room for a hobbyist percy grower.

Thanks for the advise @beacher. Do you think the fan is counter-productive? Is it likely to contribute to drying too quickly?



Oh, and I forgot:

Preliminary smoke report :dash:

Dried out a bud off the rack in the oven at 75degC until it started to feel kinda crisp on the outside. It was super dusty out of the grinder. Wrapped up a filled 1 1/4 raw skin of it pure with no tobacco, and Iā€™m still toking from it like an hour or two later. Iā€™m real high, itā€™s lovely. Definitely got that sativa head high, but after enough puffs I donā€™t feel much like moving from where Iā€™m sitting typing this.

The taste is nice, not quite as citrusy as Iā€™d hoped, but weā€™ll see what the cure does. Tastes like a haze though :thumbsup:

Hard to say which buds are which/harvested when over the three days now, as the scissor hash fucked us up and we jumbled them up when we re-hung them in the chest together. Some are obvious, as thereā€™s definitely some variety in structure, but the bud Iā€™m smoking now is a mystery offcut.

Overall really happy with it, it tastes like the weed I like to smoke and has the right kind of effects.



Well theyā€™ll definitely dry more quickly for sure. My thinking is as long as thereā€™s air flowing around them its enough, especially with your humidity being relatively low. But like I said theyā€™ll dry out either way!

Sounds like its some dank bud :sunglasses: