Tripl3fastaction shows his grow - AK Bean Brains blueberry cross testers

Newly registered, so thought I’d jump in and show you what’s happening now.

Day 60 since flip. 3x3 tent, rockwool, Mega crop 1 part nutes with a bit of Epsom each time. Drain to waste, multiple fertigations daily. EC around 1.0. I run the same EC from sprout to harvest. Run a 315 cmh + a 240w quantum board on each side, dimmed down of course. I know there’s some light stress showing here, I’m trying different things - including packing the tent to see what I can get away with humidity wise.

So, 4 plants in here. Front right is an unknown. The other 3 are AKBB freebie testers - M.o.B x 907 Blue Genes. Front left and back right are both squat, main cola inspired plants. Back left is stretchy and way behind the other 2 as far as maturity, but seems like itll be heavy. I’m assuming it’s picking up on the sativa parent, but I’ve no experience with these so really don’t know. These were originally my backup sprouts, but circumstances led me to flowering them out, so here we go


Tell us about the terps you’re getting off the AKBB cross.


This is the shorter squat pheno

This is the stretchy slower one (they are all screened due to my height limitations)


Front left is def a blueberry smell, back right just general berries at this point. Back left, the ones with airy buds, not picking up much at this point but I’m old and my nose is shot tbh.

I’ll probably take the squat ones 10 more days or so (to 70) and see what’s going on.


Looking good bro. Got a little foxtailing going on. Temps might be a little high or humidity. Looking great tho



Thanks. Yeah, the foxtailing. My temps are pretty solid at 79f day and 72 night. Humidity is higher than most recommend at this stage 60% lights on and will hit 70% briefly at lights out. I’ve never had real issues at those numbers (knock on wood, fingers crossed) but I’ve always done some heavy defoilation to maintain good airflow. But always wondered how much damage I was doing by removing the big fan leaves, so trying more natural this time.

So Yeah, not sure if the foxtailing is genetics or me jacking around with the environment or the high light I’ve sometimes blasted them with (was my assumption).


Nice plants buddy. I had some foxtailing on an Urban Menace I think was light stress. I thought if you took plants too long, some strains foxtail a bit. Just thinking out loud.

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How’s the air circulation that can induce that if not enough. Just an idea.


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Thanks for the tips. I’m pretty covered in that area, 2 AC infinity oscillators in opposite corners, a fixed one up top towards the lights and another fixed one under the canopy screen. Too much if anything, but none are running close to full blast.

High airflow is one of the things I’ve traditionally done to combat the natural high humidity in my space (75-80% pretty much all year round). Running big dehumidifiers is costly so I do everything I can to limit their use. But my airflow might be causing problems with these plants, they arent as “pretty” as usual but I’m not super worried about them tbh. Thanks!

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Day 68 since flip update … not much really. The short phenos are dusting up but I’m still looking for the hairs to recede a bit more. The other pheno - still not sure what to think. I feed from a community reservoir and I’m pretty sure this one could’ve benefited from a different nutrient regiment, but I can’t be sussed to deals with more than one mix. I’ll try to bring it to conclusion, but it’s still got a ways to go.

But I do still have some foxy tails going! Prob due to my one part start to finish nutes and too much light. Bag appeal is not on my radar so it is what it is.


Day 75 since flip. The other short one came down yesterday, this one looks done but no amber so I’ll probably ride it out til the weekend. I know 75-80 days seems extreme for a blueberry strain but let’s see what happens!


To close this out, I went 74, 80 & 93 (tall sativa leaner) days from flip. Probably could’ve went longer on the last one but I needed the space.

Easy to grow, no real complaints. Early tester nugs do what they should, with the initial quality seeming to correlate with length of flower (suprise!) We’ll see if that holds true through the cure. All were strong yielders.

Finally, the blueberry aroma/taste. Honestly, not so much at this point. None of them really smell like BB, but they all give that indication on exhale. Again, let’s see what a cure brings.

Thanks for checking it out!


Thanks for inviting me over to your grow show! Perfectly informative.

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