Tripl3fastaction - Spring '23 BOG OG seeds + more

And for the sake of transparency, I’ll tell you about my first flooding event, which I just got cleaned up.

When I removed a male plant this morning, I also removed the drip line from the manifold and put the plug into the manifold hole. Unfortunately, I apparently didn’t fully seat the plug. So when the system engaged a watering event, the plug must’ve shot across the tent.

Thankfully my Pulse alerted me to high humidity, which didn’t make sense. So I turned on the camera and saw water droplets on my leaves . All of my electronics appear dry, thankfully. And that, boys and girls, is the tale of my first flood (with this setup) and hopefully a lesson learned.


No way!!! Ah man, I’m jelly but can’t wait to watch those puppies grow!


Great to have monitoring, especially the camera in this case. Nice.


You and me both, man! Will make sure to keep you looped into that one :slight_smile:

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That cheap blink camera has been one of my best growroom purchases. No monthly fees and I can check in anytime.


Hell yeah! Please do and thank you. I will be lurking enjoying the show :fire::fire:

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Coming out party is over, I have:

Bogbubble - 2/5 female
Sour Strawberry - 4/5 female
Frankenstein- feminized, sprouted 2; culled 1

So 7 females, I tried to space them out a bit but it’s still going to be crowded. Haven’t defoliated yet (will do some at day 21 for humidity control) and no training so they will be main cola dominant and I don’t have a lot of hope for “production” but that’s okay.

1.7ec and they are taking it like champs but I’m going to back off that once stretch finishes, they are getting a bit nitrogen heavy. Still one part Megacrop only and a bit of epsom each time. Growlink doing fine, I still tweak the fertigation program frequently but it’s probably because I like to mess. After stretch I’ll move back to “generative” steering and keep them much wetter than now.

They are just waking up, but here’s day 15 since flip, day 46 overall. Thanks for looking.


Day 50 total, 19 since flip. Proof of life photo :slightly_smiling_face:. Bud set has started. So far so good, still in the 4” blocks. If the chit is going to hit the fan, it’ll probably be in the next couple weeks, but there’s no reason not to be positive! Thanks for looking.


Comparing the previous two pics and, Wow! They are really taking off.

Well Done,

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how did i miss this thread! to much to read i guess! looking great i like your setup.
i grow in rockwool myself :slight_smile:

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Yeah, and this was after I took a bagful of foliage out of there.
Your Fs1 is back center. She would love more room, and the node spacing appears about perfect for a scrog, so that’s in the back of my mind for the future. 2 of these in a 4x4 would be perfect. Good branching, they are strong but still pliable (unlike most of the Bogs which have turned into upright broomsticks, most likely heavily influenced by my crowding).

Both of the Frankenstein’s cloned easily, but the one I culled - the clone is showing the same tendencies, no surprise.


Ha! I have that tendency. Thanks for dropping in. I’m always open to tips and suggestions!

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you`re welcome! iḿ happy that others a growing on rockwoll too! i think most of the people don´t. so thats a pleasure watching rockwoolgrows :slight_smile: being open for tips suggestions counts for me too.
so if you have time drop by my thread Flowering Francos Lemon Cheese.
atm i can´t see anything that is not going good on you site

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You know, that is a really great idea. Frankie, the clone and the S1 “Hilda” pheno are ideal for a proper scrog!

Easiest plant to LST I’ve ever grown, just doesn’t seem to notice bending or pruning, or even Defol. It can be a problem because Frankie gets so big, but if you just spread the beast under a big screen you’d have a hundred flowering budsites in a horizontal canopy! I bet a healthy Frankie would fill a 16 square foot scrog screen easily.

Kinda obvious, but I don’t recall anyone doing it.
PS, I’m talking ‘under the screen scrog’ not a trellis net.


Day 60 total, day 29 flower.

Been away for a few days, and the girls keep plugging away. I need to get in there and clean up some leaves for airflow/humidity purposes. I backed off the Megacrop because they still look too leafy to me, but it’s my first time with these so it could be the cultivar. I did start adding a bit of Megacrop Bud Explosion since I don’t want to drop ppm too low at this point. So basically I’m winging it, but the plants seem happy enough.

Growlink - I’ve had a few quirks while I was gone, but nothing I couldn’t sort out remotely using the app. My misguided decision to flower these in 4” cubes is causing the biggest problems. There’s just not enough moisture content left after overnight dry downs and my probes have had difficulty dealing with such low moisture content and have given me some false readings. So I’m at least going to move to Hugo’s next time, if not back to the uni slabs. The larger moisture reserve will make things so much easier.

Despite that, Tripl3fastaction continues to grow marijuanas at home. Here they are today.


I was just thinking I haven’t seen an update in while I must have missed it… boom :boom: here you are !

How many times a day is the growlink going off now?

Everything looks great of course. What’s that little guy front center in the last pic?

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Well thanks for thinking of me!

I moved back to vegetative steering so my daytime dry backs are only 3%. So I’m getting a lot of fertigation events - 15-20 per day probably. I’d assume my 4” blocks heavily influence that.

The little plant - I was holding off on introducing my system to the world. But here goes -

In honor of the shroom folks, I’m calling it “Drain Hole Tek”.

I had an extra plant and no place to put it. It was growing in a Rapid Rooter plug. I was getting ready to toss it, when I noticed I could jam that rooter plug into the drain hole of my tray… so that’s what I did, and for the past 29 days that plant (turned out to be a girl) has existed on nothing but shade and runoff from my other plants. Apparently I’m going through a phase of trying to grow plants with the smallest root systems in the world, which I understand is a really stupid way of doing things. It’s not a good plant by any means, but it shows how much they just want to grow if we LITFA. But I’m just having fun :slightly_smiling_face:


:joy: sometimes it’s hard to toss them out, but this is some next level LITFA… nice!

Sorry I blew up your secret tek… lol

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I see your pulse pro and wonder if you saw this thread yet: Pulse Pro Grow Room Automation With Home Assistant

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Thanks for the point to that thread @Nitt , I appreciate it!

Random task has offered to help me if I want to go in that direction, and I might try it down the road. But as of now, between the Growlink and the Controller 69, I can control everything I have running and I’ve calibrated the C69 temp probe to the Pulse. So the pulse is my master environmental monitor. It would be nice to have everything under one interface, so that’s the one reason I still consider it.

Did you figure out your direction yet as it relates to a controller?

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