Another run in the two by two

Been a while, time to refill some jars!

Got Maui Wowie from @Sebring and some mendocino purple cheddar. Once I can take cuts I will, then flip to flower.

I’m trying something new this run, keeping the plants in their starter cups and letting the roots grow into the top of the soil, the way Steve from Green Life Productions does it. If it goes alright I’ll probably switch to a fabric 1/4 gallon next run.


Sounds like a good experiment :microscope: please keep us informed of the latest developments in your trial of this method.


Nice to see my friend, get some!


I’m generally not a fan of sweet smelling strains, but the Maui Waui I’ve smoked packed a heavy punch. It was an awesome experience for sure. Best of luck to you!


Just a quick update for bookkeeping:

Cut off the bottoms of the pots today to let the roots fully interact with the soil. I also sprinkled a layer of some very good locally sourced compost. Founder has been talking soil food web since he started the company years ago and he insists on using a longer process to let the compost mature and to get the fungal populations up to where they need to be. In other words, they’re not just another waste stream diversion and I’m very happy to have a company like this locally available. I’m fully expecting an explosion of growth as the roots dig into the bed and move through that compost layer getting the microbe bath. Hoping I can take cuts early next week to kill two birds with one stone: make clones, and prune these plants back before the flip to flower.

Edit (it’s 2023 baby, we want pictures):

Check that Maui Wowie popping out a 14 point leaf :eyes:


Caught these two in the act. And lil’ bro in the back either watching or waiting his turn :joy:

Strangely one of the Maui wowies has nanners, so either I got the 1% or the seeds aren’t actually fem (or they got mixed up). Either way, I took cuts from the Hawaiian grapefruit and have those trying to root now. Hopefully it turns out female so I can flip this tent over asap.


Not really getting obvious preflowers off the plants so I’m just going to flip and cull as needed. I don’t want a repeat of the jungle I made last time.


A couple of the plants threw pistils in the preflowers so I’m taking that as a sign to flip. Lights will be on from 10pm to 10am to try and mitigate some of the heat of the afternoon. I DIY’d a scrog screen after feeling pretty ripped off with the screen purchased last run. It’s nothing crazy- just something to help keep the girls lower during stretch, and hopefully help fill in that bottom left corner. Looking forward to seeing these things take off- so far everybody seems super healthy!


Girls just woke up from their first 12+ hour sleep: day 1 flower. Got a great feeling about this run.

click for 14F

click for 21F



Went out to exercise and found this little guy at the local park. Seemed to be colonized with some fungus so I threw it in my bag and tossed it in the tent when I got back.


That’s fascinating, I dig the experimental outside the box type thinking. Much love

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Sweet smaller setup and healthy looking plants! Cool stuff.

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Gave the last little bit of love for the transition into flower… a fulvic/silica/sea90/thermx foliar pH’d with vitamin c to 5.5-6.0, EC ~2400 uS. 1 quart applied as a foliar at lights on. The recipe to get that would be…

32 Oz 0 EC water
~.7-1ml silica stock solution
.5g powdered fulvic acid
1/4 tsp sea90
~1 ml thermx
~1/12 tsp vitamin c

I also dialed the lights up a bit as the DLI was a bit low and I think the plants were stressed a bit. Yesterday they got the new dose of light and I think they liked it :+1:t4:


Day after foliar pic. Took a few fan leaves off as well.


Drank about 2-2.5 gallons since Thursday.

Did some more tucking since the majority of the plants aren’t showing much/any bud set yet.



Click for 1F

Click for 21F

Took these right before lights out. Have a little treat brewing for them right now:

Couple mls of fulvic stock solution, oyster shell flour, multimino, pinch of kelp, pinch of Montana grow, pinch of coconut, and a small amount of high quality compost for biology. Gonna let this vortex for 8 hours or so then water in at lights on.


Gave them the juice! Everybody looks good in here. Hopefully they’re done stretching soon though, this tent is too damn short. One day I’ll have a real space for growing :slight_smile:

Dialed the lights back just a bit and super cropped the lankiest tops. Things could be a bit waxier but I’m gonna wait a few days to see how the recent feeds sink in and how they react to the reduced PAR.


Adding a few more pics of the structure/canopy. Also, super cropping isn’t doing shit to slow these plants down. I full creased a few stalks and laid them sideways last night and they are vertical again this morning.


Found this single branch of male flowers :man_shrugging: Will be keeping an eye out for more herming. Did more supercropping as well trying to keep the height down.

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