Two males. Which one to go and which to grow?

I have two Durban Poison Males that starting grown their balls about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I have to decide which i want to save for pollenating the ladies. One is getting set to burst in a few days, he’s ahead of everybody and a real survivor of early snail attacks as a sprout, but he’s outdoors, in the ground. The other is in a pot, healthy in the outdoor greenhouse. I can move the potted guy into a safe area and let him mature as he will. I can try cutting the outdoor male at his top 3 or 4 nodes, put it in some rooting powder to ward off fungus and stick it in some B1 water under a small homemade LED with some red on 11 or 12 hour cycle and hope it matures. I can do both, but would rather do one. One is easier but not quite as prolific as the one I would have to cut. Ideas, opinions?


Pictures could help tonmake the decision.
Personally I never use the first male and fastest one as this will drop pollen in early stages of flowering, the buds might not even form on the females.

But then all depends on your taste,and whatever you want to pass from that male to the next generation.
Focus on that, get an idea of smells, structure, tolerance to plagues and mould and timings, that should help you a bit.


I choose males the same way I choose females. Take clones and flower them out. Males tell me nothing until around week 4-5. Sure you can select based on structure, onset of flower, the world famous and useless stem rub, etc. However without letting them flower to see what you are really working with, you might as well just flip a coin.
Good luck whichever direction you go.



I would just grow both, collect the pollen and spread it far and wide. But that’s just me.


Agreed. If one doesn’t seem obviously better than the other one, just use both if space allows.


When in doubt, grow em out

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Most breeders I have read/heard…not me…say to NOT take a male that is the first to produce pollen. It encourages male dominance and hemp characteristics.

Almost every episode he asks breeders how they pick males.

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I haven’t heard that one, but it’s an interesting concept. I’ve taken the fist one down, yesterday and put the top 4 nodes in water under florescent light on 11 1/2 hr schedule. But i will take this suggestion into account and maybe save on the electric bill. (My goal is to grow good pot without spending hardly any money)


Do both of course !!!

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I like Qtip’s reply.


I I took clones from four Sugar Punch plants and put them to flower early. I want to do some pollen chucking with them.

I have two TRSC C99 male plants. And of course, this is where the doubt begins. Both male plants have lighter leaves than females C99 and are structurally different. I have never grown C99 and do not know what the desirable phenotypic traits are.
After they showed their sex, I took males out of the box, put them into the room and harassed them with photoperiod for a week. Then they were taken outside to lower temperatures. At night around 5 - 7 C, and during the day around 10 -15 C. I believe that all this influenced the development and that they dont show their potential

Plant 1
It has a weaker structure (like a vine), fewer pollen sacks, and in the vegetation it had some discoloration on all leaves. I don’t think it hurt, but…
The positive features of it are these for me: narrower leaves, strong and attractive smell. It’s even a little sticky when rub the stem

Plant 2
Stronger structure, denser pollen sacks.
But there is no smell and stickyness. My olfactory system isn’t the best, but I can smell very very little after rubbing the stem.

I will take pollen from both plants and try to carefully pollinate parts of the clones. With one the main flowers, and with the other secondary branches.
I’m interested in which plant you would prefer to pollinate most of it.
Or šhould I mix the pollen and polinate?
Or choose just one?



I’m my opinion it truly depends on what outcome you’re looking for.

If you keep both and do an open pollination, you’ll maintain the genetic diversity of the plants. If you’re looking for yield and vigor I would go with #2. If you’re looking for stronger terpenes and more resin, #1 seems to be the one you’d keep. Now all this also depends on what you’re females are. If you have the desirable traits and looking to increase a specific trait that the male plants have, I would pick based on that. Ex. Your female is potent, very strong aroma, low yielding and slow growing. I would pick male #2 to ideally maintain the good qualities of your female but introduce more vigor and yield with the male. Whichever method you choose, it’s not a guarantee that the progeny will all represent your goal, but you should be able to find some that meet it.

Good luck and hopefully that helps a little bit!


Thanks @DonGnosis
SP is balanced hybrid and I am interested in increasing the sativa racines in the offspring without extending the flowering period.
But as I said, I have no idea about C99 phenotypes. I have 5 in total, and each one is realy different. Two males have significantly lighter leaves and weaker and more flexible branches. And they throw out thinner and longer shoots.
Here is a pictures of the female plants.

Maybe you can say a thing or two. I read your thread and know you were interested in the TRSC/kwik C99.


Always hard (almost impossible) to aid in any selection based on visuals alone. The females look to be different to the expression I usually select for in C99. Wider leafs yes and two of them look like they’re quite squat and sturdy stems, am I right? I would - again only from the visuals - be most interested in how the taller one smells, it looks more like the type I like in the C99. Also the flowers look more like it but they are not exactly like it. But that is just my taste in C99 not the be all end all of C99 opinions by any means.

The males doesn’t really look like ”my pheno” either but the #1 you say is thinner stemmed and thinner leafed which is towards the type I would chose but looks isn’t everything. Getting any smells from them?

These pictures are an example of the type I look for in C99 but again, it’s just my taste so take it for what it’s worth. In the end the effect is the most important trait in my book and that you need to smoke them to analyze.


here are a few other examples that I didn’t grow but stole the pictures off the internet so these are not mine but good representations in my opinion… most of them are from Wally’s F5 from long ago…


Thanks @StocktonT

Well, I’m playing here and I have no other interest. It would be nice to share some decent beans, but…
I will choose male 1 and do the complete pollination with him. It smells, it’s sticky… So whatever happens, it happens :slightly_smiling_face:


the high is always number one and if the smell is sticky, it’s a good sign too. I am sure you’ll get some nice stuff in there. There’s always using both males if you can’t decide… and of course those stockier ladies could be real good too. Are there any differences in the smell between the females?

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There is differences, but I’ll tell you that tomorrow. :slightly_smiling_face: To give a good answer regarding the smell, I will have to hire my wife. Unlike me, she really has a refined sense of smell

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