Underground Originals Blues reproduction (co-op)

Great job trees

I don’t know how I missed this thread



Didn’t want to keep stepping on @TopShelfTrees1 's thread, but I ended up putting out dishes of water with mosquito dunks in it, and liberally top dressing with DE, and have continued to spray Neem in the veg tent. Already seeing a reduction.


Someone took me up on my offer, and 5 out of 10 germinated.


Oh nice ! Those are going to be amazing :raised_hands: I’m glad they are going to be used for reproduction :seedling:
So glad they didn’t go to someone who bought them just to shove em in a sock drawer.


Great news! I love hearing this


Is the person doing a Thread On OG, for this… :smiley: I want to Watch… :smiley:

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No. He hasnt posed anything on the grow, but, he is a member here.


Very cool @jimihendrix1942 and much respect for offering those up, I was just telling someone I was bummed I didnt jump on it but just have so much on my plate I truly can’t atm


Apologies my friends, was at my fathers for a week looking after him, but all is well and they are looking great and healthy and really loved their first feeding of microbial mass as they were all praying within ten minutes after and the last 24 hours have absolutely took right off, even the stragglers are bouncing right back. Will be uppotting this weekend to 3/4 gallon pots and then I’ll start giving them real nutrients/fertigations as I’ve been running 1/4 strength all along since their first feed which was actually 1/8th the recc. Dosage. Hope you all have an amazing weekend! :facepunch:t2:


Looking lush.:+1::v:


My oh my are they lovely. Cool your dad is OK. Better take care of him. What’s that “microbial mass” you’re using? Tea?

I’m so excited by this run! :laughing: Thanks you so much!


Thank you, he had a minor stroke while on vacation, so he was released and flown home, I stayed with him to look after him and take care of him for a week, I just thank God all is well, was nice spending a whole week together too as it’s been a while since we had so much time together. Microbial Mass is a cannabis specific product they sell here in Canada, its basically a beneficial bacteria blend that helps transfer pottasium and calcium to the plants better, and really gets the root zone /biome absolutely thriving. it also conditions soil and really pushes plants to their maximum potential, they have a regular and a pro (super concentrated) the pro is very pricy but you get like 8x the amount over time so I buy the pro, and tbch I only use a bottle a year usually, 11 months max so it’s really actually not bad, and I’ve done side by sides as I was actually an original tester of the product. And it speaks for itself.

Very glad you are excited as well, I know I certainly am. Thank you again @funkyfunk


I hope you Dad is doing Better
You are a Good Son, wish I had one.


Sorry to hear about your dad. Hoping he gets to feeling better soon. Plants are really hitting their stride now. Keep up the good work on all fronts. Respect.


That’s cool it’s only minor and it had no consequences.

I did not know microbial mass, thought it was a secret sauce of yours. :slight_smile: I’ll have a look, makes me curious. 1 bottle a year is not so bad actually.

I guess we’re a whole bunch on the board to be excited! :slight_smile:

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Thank you @STIGGY @Kavman and @funkyfunk i appreciate it, I try my best . Wasn’t the best kid the first 20 years or so, then it took me 15 or more to truly see the light…. Now I’ve spent the last 10 or so trying to make up for it and help, support, love, listen in any way I can. And to pass onto young people the importance of such things. For real, we need all the kindness/love we can get nowadays that’s for sure.
Much love and respect my friends


I get that. Getting older myself and have not been the easiest as a kid. Still not easy to get over a difficult parent/child history. But the wheel is turning and roles do too. It brings a lot of peace in mind when one starts to assess really such a past and take actions for remediation. Congrats to you :slight_smile:


Amen my friend, absolutely :100:


You are a GR8 person @TopShelfTrees1 for putting everything on hold in your life to take care of your dad, nice you got to spend a whole week with him, though I wish it were under better circumstances. I hope he is doing well now! :clap::clap::clap::facepunch::wink::ok_hand::+1::peace_symbol: