Underground Originals Blues reproduction (co-op)

Awesome @Peregrine love seeing that! And thank you for all the tips and info. Ooh you’ve grown all the gems, I was given some disco biscuit recently to try, I’m hoping to get the killer skunk to try as well especially since I’m doing a skunk project that’s been underway for a while. Now I’m even more excited reading all of this!! Thanks for stopping by my friend


Very nice!

Depends, but if you dig what came from UK, it’s hard to miss what they released. Was all over a certain UK forum… :slight_smile: Came to late to have the chance to try, but things will change many thanks to @TopShelfTrees1! With @zanzibar’s LS repro, that’s a lot of good skunks around.


So I’ve identified the stankiest! #4 no question it’s like skunk/garlic/compost and some kind of chemical that makes you curl up your nose! Ironically it’s my lucky number PLUS one of the 4 I’m watching extremely close! It’s definitely a stanky one! Let’s just hope it only gets better and stronger as well as being a stellar plant :crossed_fingers:t3:


And here I thought #11 was finna be my gal. They look stellar dude.


Blues, chopped @ 7 weeks. Yes, very early but she’s done with plenty of amber trichs.
I’m testing a new product for someone that claims it will allow earlier, bigger harvests, not specifically cannabis but berries, tomatoes, that sort of thing. It has been tested by Driscoll’s, the U.S. tomatoes/berries supplier with good results. I’m the first to try it on cannabis.
Happy with the result but I couldn’t say whether the harvest is bigger than normal because I don’t have anything to compare it to(same size pot, nutrients etc.)
I am testing it on other strains that I’ve grown before so I’ll have an idea in 6-8 weeks whether it works or not. If I get anything over 50g from a plant in a 6.5L pot of soil I consider it a good result so we shall see.


Ah, good ole Driscoll’s - sounds like you might live in my old stomping ground. @Peregrine Oxnard to Salinas is Driscoll country. :strawberry:


Looks very nice @Peregrine that product sounds very cool, hope it does as it says would be awesome!
Thanks for sharing, will be interesting to hear how it all ends up terp/buzz wise.


I live down in the south of Portugal !
Summer weather started here this week, my plants are in a tent until 8a.m. then out they go onto the terrace until 7p.m. It’s a great time of year to save a shed load of electricity and just let the sun do its magic.


Did a little defoliation and switched over to my go to canna nutes (was trying to use up these huge ass Athena bottles ) but the stuff just doesn’t jive with my process and I always have issues. Anyway….
They are taking off now that they have been on it for 4-5 days! Those squat ones are really staying squat and the one was throwing these crazy leaves, I’m hoping it was just unhappy from the nutes and will correct itself cuz it looks weird af! Gonna give them a week or two on these nutes and to liven up and fill out a bit more, then uppot to 3 or 4’s (haven’t decided yet) and flip soon after. Then it will get real good over here , my word :wink:


I love seeing some of those double serrations.


It’s getting real funky in there too! I forgot to turn back on the fan/filter after I switched the pre-filter the other day, kept smelling serious funk a few floors away, after an hour it filled the entire house, big time! Once I realized it made total sense! We get so nose blind to these scents especially those of us who like to live in the offensive , intense, skunky, funky, kushy, Chemmy spectrum we don’t realize just how loud at times! I cannot wait to sniff these babies as they develop throughout flower ! :drooling_face:


Oh man I spend hours going through the serrations yesterday and documenting them! There’s some very interesting phenos for sure and more than I thought there would be tbch. Those ones with the long bulbous in the centre but a long slimming to the end, with the doubles (imo skunk leaves) well one of two types I always correlate to skunk. Those ones have me so intrigued cuz the one just STINKS! that little squirrelly #11 though has also had my eye (and nose) for a while now. I’m getting excited now !


Yea man for sure, that’s an interesting leaf trait, I love it


Damn tease

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Big update coming
Big defoliation done, will be uppotted to 3’s this week then after establishing themselves I’ll flip a week or so after .




Very beautiful plants! the first ones leaking roots!!


Back in their temporary home….
If you notice a sheen on the leaves it’s just the lost coast plant therapy I’ve been using for IPM etc.


Check out this one! :wink: