Underground Originals Blues reproduction (co-op)

Is that 15/15, or 15/16?


15/16 one turned black and never showed a sign of life whatsoever…. I’ll DEFINITELY take it!
Looks like your storage methods are definitely on point, all I did was a super light scuff for like 3-4 seconds and not very vigorously.


Nice! When I ran them I got 16/16, if I would have known they would germinate like that I probably would have done like 8.


That’s awesome man. I’d kill so many seedlings if I tried sprouting that way, I’m way too rough.


Damn good genetics :dna: for sure! This is definitely a good amount for a nice OP, hopefully we get a stellar female leaning ratio and not vice versa :crossed_fingers:t3: got my humidity set at 60 so as not too push my luck :wink:


My mentor is the same, big monster of a guy, he breaks taps/radicles like it’s a game, he just sticks em in the coco or rockwool lol


Yea, I was killing so many trying the paper towel method. Root riot plugs seem to work a lot better for me but unfortunately at an added cost.


I will have to try this one day, it sounds amazing :raised_hands:
Those taproots are gorgeous

I would like to add a small suggestion that may help with the tangled mess of roots in the paper towel…

Use coffee filters instead of power towels.
Unbleached ones.

The taproots won’t dig through so you won’t have to rip them out or plant parts of towel with them.

Not sure if you even had that issue, but I always did in the past if I let my seeds grow to long.
I started using coffee filters and it resolved that issue for me.

I’m seriously loving your method.
I will be trying this one day, those roots are so impressive.

If I’m still around I will definitely be coming back to see how everything turns out.
Sending good vibes :seedling::herb::evergreen_tree:


Nice mate, looking really good. Can’t say I’ve waited that long to plant. May have some experimenting in my future


You will have your chance soon enough my friend! These are for everyone of you! I usually don’t have that problem as long as I take them out in 4-5 days for new, vigorous seedlings and 6-8 days for older stock. But I’ve had a couple exceptions :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:, I like the coffee filter idea, I actually keep meaning to try the stand up method where they stand up a bag or dvd case and gravity will actually straighten out the radicle as it expands…. Thank you for your input :pray:t3:


Hey @TopShelfTrees1 finally I am able to announce that I will ride with you for a while. (Hitting the member stage this night)

Really interesting gemination method.

I will definitely try the method this upcoming OD season.
Just to get familiar with :wink:



Congrats! :slight_smile:


Very nice and great to see a piece of UK history being preserved. I love that these seeds have found their way into a set of hands that will ensure that they have a bright future! (kudos @buckaroobonsai)

Closest I have myself is some of the Mephisto Livers BX auto, but I’m sure they pale in comparison to the real deal (if they are even truly comparable :man_shrugging:).

Good luck and I’ll be following along this one with much interest! :smiley:


Thanks again guys ! You all kick ass! Love seeing the overwhelming amount of support and excitement for the blues! I’ll take a pic once I can get in there but as of last night all had straightened up and began to work their way to the sky…… even impressing myself this far as I thought for sure I’d have like 70/30 ratios for non viable an viable but a damn near 100% germ rate on an old masterpiece is unreal! Stoked


Yes sir I tape the ziploc to the inside of my bathroom cabinet. Usually the tails are toothpick straight


All 15 seedlings settling into their new homes nicely.
Temp 80 and RH at 65% on 24 hour schedule atm but will be gradually cut back to 18/6 over the next week. It will be interesting to see how much difference I see not using mycos for the first time in quite a while. I usually add some to the original seedling coco/perlite and some directly to the roots and around as I uppot each time after.
Edit: idk why TF I originally wrote 12 :roll_eyes:



I stumbled so many times on this webpage while looking at UK strains :laughing:


Same, that was how I originally found you could even get them online. I should have grabbed a pack of everything then. :man_facepalming:t2:


They all look really happy in their new homes :pray:

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