🇬🇧 United Kingdom flowerists

Great for you Brits to have this thread so you can speak in your own language frech|nullxnull, more than 17.000 this weekend in Benidorm to celebrate the Jubilee … beer3|nullxnull


I fucking hate the monarchy bro. I can’t see the point in their existence. On the radio yesterday found out this useless piece of information. the Queen is the record holder for “meeting” the most amount of people :thinking:
Only good thing to come from this Jubilee is the 4 day bank holiday that I inevitably worked anyway :rofl:


I always found it interesting they are kept.
Dont the PM meet with her about things as well?

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He’s another wanker bro :rofl:
Between the royal fuck ups and the prime cockup minister the uk is fucked.
I left the uk for years to get away from it all but had to come back before I died with over indulgence of alcohol and drugs.


And now you’re completely sober … frech|nullxnull


Touché :rofl:
No but I’m nowhere near as bad as I was.
I’d wake up take a ________ then hit the fridge for a beer then head off to work. I think at my worst before I came back to the UK I was down to around 10 stone :roll_eyes:


Damn that is light

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It’s curious George V was cousin of the tsar Nicholas II and the kaiser Wilhelm II, the tsar asked for help from his cousin but unfortunately you know what happened, and both were in war with cousin Willy, so all being family (from queen Victoria) didn’t help much … :pray:

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I watched the Tudors lol.
That’s all I got

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I think the Windsor were before House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, they changed their name after the WWI, I’ll search for that serial … beer3|nullxnull


100% especially when you take into account I’m 5ft 11.
I’m a unhealthy 13.5 stone at the minute with similar but not as bad issues :rofl:

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artworks-rC7KrbN71v3RtfMs-zMcgSQ-t500x500 :rofl:


Damn this looks good!

how old was it at this point looks beautiful!

Hello UK.

Didn’t notice UK until now, still new to OG.

Just to share my latest grow, Skittlez auto, brewed in Scotland but not by Barrs :blush:.

Nice touch by OG to add a UK forum.

Take care all and happy toking :dash:


That would probably be the right topic to ask about UK Cheese. Wher could i get UK exodus Cheese seeds as authentic as possible?
Thanks guys


hello mate i think the closest thing you will get to real exudos cheese is ugorg #1 but they are all sold out if ya find any give us a nod :smiley:
always lookin for ugorg :heart_eyes:


Thanks @Limeflavouredheadbut will take a look :smiley: good old school strains are very hard to find this days

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I find something interesting here if that could be authentic thats the question :upside_down_face:



hmmmm i dont know much about csi but i know alotta ppl rave about him and love his shit
best start diggin around see what ppl think :thinking: