Unpopular opinion thread

I actually like his movies but you must remember they are comedies.

Anything in excess is excessive.

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Oh Iā€™ve always found his movies mediocre at best, and even that is a stretch.

My father liked him when I was younger, I always kinda thought of that as funny. Iā€™m not for that whole macho identity.

The later ones filmed in Bulgaria: his best work. They are just so badā€¦

I didnā€™t even realize he ever went outside of hollywood films. But yeah Bulgarian films gotta be awful. Kinda like Bollywood, but worse, I imagine?

Iā€™ve been wondering for a while if he is suffering from dementia or something. I mean watch his latest interactions with press and itā€™s akin to watching Biden on a bad day.


More like just really really cheap. Cheapest movies to make possible.

That sounds like Bulgaria alright :laughing:

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If heā€™d kept running like that heā€™d not be the fat c#nt he is now :rofl:


I think that opinion actually has too much popularity for this thread.


exactly ifin ya wanna play you gota play

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Iā€™m about to eat my own words :rofl:

They purposely got a really bad opponent for that one if you ask me.

Thatā€™s how Steve reacts to anyone who doesnā€™t respect his macho btw. Insta kick to the mouth. Real stand up guy.


I wonder how much hush money he gives out.

I think today you mean forgets to give out. Didnā€™t he move to Russia?


I am not well versed on Mr. Seagalā€™s travel itinerary.

Iā€™m not either but the past years any time Iā€™ve seen him mentioned it was located in Russia :man_shrugging:

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Independent of obvious politics isnā€™t that a strange form of turncoat? Better tax breaks? Who can say.

Heā€™s probably been an agent since day 1 of his film career, but who cares. Russian Wagner files showed theyā€™re pieces of racist shit anyway. Not talking about Russians in general but more the war waging leadership.

Unpopular opinion: the British method of driving on the correct side of the road should be adopted everywhere. Roundabouts too.


That along with our gun laws :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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