Unpopular opinion thread

How come I only just discovered this thread?? How much is it monitored???

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who cares? and probably not for international flights because atc calls out out feet, not meters. the answer was for the question, not the part about whether youā€™re mistaken or not.

now for my unpopular opinion for today: steven segal is a traitorous piece of shit. training russian recruits in martial arts.


But in his movies he seems like such a nice guy.

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When he is not really a good martial artist to begin with. Joe Rogan has a podcast about Segal not knowing what heā€™s doing. He has basics but he is not considered very good by folks who do know martial arts.


i thought as much from what i recall but couldnā€™t remember. sounds pretty typical for russian training i guess.


I think I should get head if she doesnā€™t want to f*ck. Iā€™m actually cool with an oral exchange.

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Bread should come in a resealable tube like Pringleā€™s so I never have to see these again:


About time you get here. Time to spice it up.

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Grado drivers are too hyped. Except the 325.
I canā€™t live without my DT770, but itā€™s like raving in a teknival with a nun.
I hate Eminence just because they donā€™t build 50mm headset drivers.

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Thanks for sharing :rofl:

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He is a 100 percent total joke
Hell Jake Paul could beat his ass



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Those young men donā€™t get any training. Lucky to get socks with a pair a decent boots. Right now they arenā€™t even getting a salary. Just Dead!!!


LOL, I am guessing those 3 countries.


Itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve seen one of those. They just twist the top of the bags and wrap tape around them here now.


They are being replaced by cardboard as we speak.

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I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen Steven Segal use his legs before. Heā€™s no martial artist but I bet he could do some amazing slight of hand card tricks :laughing:


Mate I try to limit myself on threads such as this. I absolutely hate being censored.


Steven Seagal running. You gonna laugh.


Yup just as good as all his other movies.

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What a star, right? :rofl:

When Russia is done with him he should move over to China so he can be re-educated by some actual martial arts masters.

Unpopular opinion: Weed is bad for you in excess and excess is very easily reached with weed :dizzy_face:

That opinion is even unpopular with me. I know itā€™s not just opinion though. :unamused: :smirk: