Unpopular opinion thread

I have a 2018 Gold Wing with the horizontal six cylinder. Sounds like a supercar going down the road. And she is a quick and fast beast.


These beasts are no more a motorcycle but a train. I’ve the physical condition for it, but not the right length of legs ^^ Your nickname make sense :laughing:


Yeah man you could live in one of those things they’re so big. Sweet though. Nice cruiser I’m sure.


I sold cars for 3 decades. Anytime a young girl came in , she wanted a jetta. The smart ones took my advice and bought something else. Notorious tranny issues.

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I had a golf too and it was nice but unremarkable except when it caught on fire.

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Golf’s are awesome manual tdi

Yes, but fire.

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When they banned the word retarded dumb shit escalated worldwide that would normally be shut down immediately. Since people don’t know they’re doing retarded shit and we can’t shame them into realizing they’re being retarded it’s become a societal norm to do retarded shit. It’s like normalizing lead water pipes.


I lived in a house with lead pipes. It made me the man I am today.


Left out NM (Nautical Miles) and Knots. " One knot equals one nautical mile per hour, or roughly 1.15 statute mph . The term knot dates from the 17th century, when sailors measured the speed of their ship using a device called a “common log.” The common log was a rope with knots at regular intervals, attached to a piece of wood shaped like a slice of pie."

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Knots are fascinating. Like ancient technology.


I have a knot in my groin. It feels fascinating.

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Try NOT putting it in the fridge ya sicko LOL

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WARM ketchup? That’s like for a caveman.

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I would stare back while digging even deeper.

One eye half flinching while I catch that booger.


Cold ketchup is simply oppressive to my hot dog and the tomatoe slurry. Cold coffee cream is another travesty…just sayin. Cold Ketchup is the same as refrigerated KY on my weenie…derp.


I observed a guy changing a car battery for a lady. He was standing at the front and removing the cables, she was standing by the fender. He goes in to lift up the battery and just as it come out of the tray it falls back down and a little white chunk of something flies up and dings her eye glasses. She had a bit of confused look on her face, as did I. Guy pulls his hand back and starts looking at his finger tips and I notice the long nails and one all mangled and torn. I started involuntarily dry heaving and then I started cracking up as her confused look turned to one of horror. Then I offered to sell him some side cutters.

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Yes I could see the perfect temperature being an issue.

I’m too lazy to warm up my milk for my coffee.


Cold lubricant is why pussy is warm; it will warm up the sauce before the sausage enters the sandwich.

Unpopular opinion with my wife.