Unpopular opinion thread

Please :rofl:

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Some of the best weed Iā€™ve ever grown has been free. But thatā€™s me.


Seeds- ā€œmama said life is like a box of chocolates, never know what your going to getā€ ~ Forrest Gump


This must be a CBD box of chocolates because I feel nothing.


Ded inside

RKS is the new haze, and itā€™s going to get much worse before it gets better.

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Itā€™s a wound that will never heal.

Unpopular opinion: there is no roadkill skunk. Itā€™s just a flashback to being a kid and going ā€œI smell skunkā€ when someone is smoking around the corner.


or it existed but in a time where everyone was hopped up on chemicals, disco and poor wardrobe choices so they look back and think it was stronger than it was.


Part of the problem is that skunk means different things in different contexts.


i smelled a real skunk the other night seemingly all night, if someone has a cut that smells like that they are going to be the most hated person everywhere they go. no wonder the ogā€™s let her go.

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We let this batch of CloudWalker 151 tincture sit, with weekly agitations, for two months.
It gets strained this weekend. Just a tingle, no burn. 1st impression is a great place to start.


:thinking:. So what did i run over last night in my truck.:thinking:. Maybe a roadkill possum.:joy:.:rofl:. Im sorry i just had to lmao. Forgive me og family. It was wide open for a joke


Unpopular opinion: Dead and Company are better than The Grateful Dead

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Damn thatā€™s bold. Like saying pepsi is better than classic coke.

Dude I get massive hate for suggesting John is a better vocalist than Jerry or bob. I love Bob but the manā€™s talents are not singing. Jerry is a decent vocalist but heā€™s a far better guitarist than a singer. But itā€™s all pitchforks and torches when you say it around hippies. Honestly jam bands in particular have weak vocals but againā€¦wildly unpopular opinion. There is no Chris Cornell of jam bands.

Also John doesnā€™t have a massive drug problem so heā€™s justā€¦ya knowā€¦more with it for a lot of shows.

I say this as a person who did not like John Mayer AT ALL before a friend dragged me to a Dead and Co show and I instantly fell in love. I wanted to hate it but it sounded so fucking good it was undeniable.


Milk is the devil.


Pepsi is sweeter, less bite IMO. I like pepsi but Mexican coke canā€™t be beat. McDonaldā€™s coke syrup is both different from original recipe and they calibrate/clean their machines better but I digressā€¦

More like saying Mello Yello is better than Mountain Dew lol.

We put a man on the moon 50 years ago and somehow no one anywhere can replicate the Mountain Dew formula.

I donā€™t drink soda anymore but maaaan I sure used to.


I want some green river now you got me thinking of soda

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Do you ever judge adults who drink milk? I sure do lol.