Unpopular opinion thread

I do,. In an envious way. Milk is soooo damn good. But I’m severely lactose intolerant. Like death cramps of gas for a day, I had a glass a few days ago. And I was sick in bed all day the next day. Felt like death. Cheese I’m fine with, no ice cream or cream, or milk. Fuck me over half to death.


Btw 2nd glass I’ve had in 15 years


Dude same. I used to regularly cash a half gallon of ice cream while aggressively stoned and shit and then have awful GI issues the next day and people would be like “hey maybe you’re lactose intolerant” and I was like “nawwww that can’t be it”

Turns out I am lol.

I can handle most cheeses too just nothing with actual raw milk. Living in the Midwest tests that though mahfuckas here put cheese on and in everything. Even shit that never needed it.

I used to work in a restaurant in a city with a lot of east asians (nearly all lactose intolerant) and they’d fuckin demolish milkshakes but take lactaid to counter it. There’s a solution I know but I can be a lazy fuck when it comes to my own well being.


There’s a solution, very true. I’m just not into it. I don’t need it. I can live without milk. I love the taste but I just fucking hate milk so much because of how it wrecks me. I’ve written it off. Ya man, cheese is good all fine there. Milk though woooweee that shit is poison.

I don’t drink it either.

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Last week I watched my toddler slam some nesquik strawberry milk and I’m like dying inside haha


Right! My wife and daughter drink 2 to 3 gallons every 3 or 4 days. I can’t believe it! People look at me like wtf, one dude said you might as well buy a cow it’d be cheaper. Ha that was funny. It’s that whole milk too the good stuff I guess :wink:

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Ha! dude same I feel like I’m always at the store because somehow we ran outta milk with the wife and kid running out the gallon. Constantly out of milk and butter in this house.


O man. I knew i wasn’t the only one. :rofl:

I say this as a person who did not like John Mayer AT ALL before a friend dragged me to a Dead and Co show and I instantly fell in love. I wanted to hate it but it sounded so fucking good it was undeniable


Yeah man there was a time when I would have punched anyone for suggesting I even remotely liked John Mayer but it just works with dead and co. Bob’s voice is terrible and his songs are mostly good for compost. If you read Living with the Dead, seynd that Jerry and the rest of the band agreed with me.



of course rc beats them all.


Unpopular opinion: breeding using only feminized pollen is way better. You know exactly the traits of both parents and no wasted space on male plants. I honestly don’t understand why anyone would do it differently.

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I’m not a huge ded fan, but when I went to dedNco and heard John sing “Dire Wolf” I couldn’t get “My Body is a Wonderland” out of my head. It was like the guy who sang that song was singing ded at karaoke night.

Fantastic guitarist but his voice just doesn’t work for me. Like he can’t turn his special tremelo of whatever singing word “off”. Like the church lady who puts all the Mariah Carey pizazz on Happy Birthday.

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This is a fact not opinion. Fresh milk goes to the store for 3 days , unsold milk is returned and turned into chocolate milk so it’s got another 3-4 days to sell. Dad grew up on a dairy farm :joy:. Still love chocolate milk


Damn FDA … So chocolate milk don’t come from a brown cow.:thinking:.:joy:.:rofl:.:rofl:.:joy:… An i love chocolate milk also damn it … :rofl:.:joy:


of course not, it comes from the black and white cows. all of this is just more of that ‘fake news’ that everyone uses to get you used to more…oh, wait a minute. what was i saying again?


:joy:.:rofl:. I dont know what you were saying but it sounded good…:thinking:.:blush:.:trophy:


my uncle used to own a dairy farm and i loved getting some cold milk from the holding tank on a hot summer day after loading hay. the black and white cow thing worked on my son for a while.


PNW is RC country. :100:


Do we gotta get a cow sunburned to get strawberry milk? Ginger cows a thing? This chocolate or strawberry milk cow?images (1)