Unpopular opinion thread

Ever wonder why there’s so much suffering in the world?


we’re gonna kick some buffalo bills ASS… . … …:muscle:. :dolphin:.VS :water_buffalo::trophy:…1:00 eastern standard time zone… Letzz go phins


Buffalo Bill better watch out!


:joy:.:rofl:. Dolphins gonna break another scoring record… We are the new powerhouse team. Lol… Enjoy the game… :thinking:. But u can never tell with the NFL

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Damn dolphins… I knew it lol… Got there butt wooped. :rofl:.:joy:.

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Sports are just an excuse to gamble. That’s why the nfl has always had an injury report. Who else is that for but the gambler?


And that is exactly why i don’t bet on sports. I think its rigged… But thats only my thought… But i will go to casino an play texas hold em poker lol. And i only play my hand never the odds. :thinking:… Very rear thou lol…


intersex in cannabis sativa is not a bad thing.
especially for home growers.

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Genetic modification is a process that occurs when humans artificially influence the naturally determined population dynamics of a variety of plant species.

GMO is a baseless fear mongering term that capitalizes on the average persons ignorance of science and fear of profit driven corporations that would hurt people and the world at large in order to make a buck.

The advanced gene editing based genetic modification of plants is going to be one of the best tools humans have to adapt to rapidly changing environmental systems without large scale starvation and devastation of the upheaval new climatic patterns will cause.

Genetic modification is a good thing


What about possible cancers,allergies,effect on insects life tipping the ecosystem,crushing small farmers with cost,how it effects the immune system etc. To state they are a good thing has yet to be determined .


I think that those fears are largely unsubstantiated and are more concerned with rhe utilization of gmo technology, rather than an issue with gmo as a concept itself.

Of course we need to test things for safety and impact, but we can easily do that as we develop crops better suited for sustainable agriculture in times of rapid environmental change, when traditional methods would not be sufficient


You know what is cool about the gmo debate! We are right in the middle of the experiment. Europe has outlawed gmo and the us hasn’t. We’ll get to see in the coming years what the effects are. The fact that these companies have had laws passed making them untouchable for future liability makes me believe they have not shared all the info they know


:roll_eyes: you are joking, right ?


No, just spouting off some unpopular opinions. Dont even get me started on the Dutch



OK–so…I guess I’m a Nazi…
I mean- I’m a nice person, and I am considered a ‘bleeding heart liberal’ by most…
But I seriously think people should have to PASS an intelligence test (not IQ- but actual every day common sense shit) AND take parenting classes to get a license r some such to have kids!
Ya gotta have one to drive a car,- but not to raise kids!?
That is why there are so many badly behaved, entitled twatwaffles out there making life hell for everyone else! Generation after generation of ‘entitled and ignorant’ getting passed along.

And take all those stupid fucking labels off things!
I do not mean the ones actually needed- like toxins, sharp objects or hot surfaces where you do not expect them etc…
You know the ones I mean:
The coffee cup that says ‘contents may be hot’
The food container that says ‘do not turn upside down’ on the BOTTOM of the container (had this on pies!)
The chainsaw that says ‘‘do not grab blade while using’’
Even baby clothing that has tags in the back to 'please remove child before washing ‘’? (See above comment!! )
Get rid of all that shit- and let nature sort out the idiots!
This is why each generation seems to have more and more entitled, ignorant twats…
They did not HAVE this 50 years ago!!
People either knew better- or learned goddamned fast, and never heard the end of it after! (Well- unless it killed them- or made them deaf!)
Now- there are too many people that have never learned to take personal responsibility for ANYTHING!
End of bitchy, unpopular rant…
Can ya tell I spent the day running errands!?


you both want the government to control who has kids, but also dont want the government to put warning labels on things?

that’s just crazy, dog.


We all need a good rant!! You need to get anymore else out?


It isn’t the Government putting the labels on everything…it’s the manufacturers covering their asses for when some dumb fuck drowns their baby when doing laundry and blames them for ‘not warning them by not having a label’!
All these ignorant, entitled, self-absorbed idiots blame EVRYONE for EVERYTHING-- even THEIR KIDS behavior…because they have ZERO sense of responsibility.

And why SHOULDN’T you have to prove you can handle caring for a baby before you have one!? Take parenting classes until you GET IT- and get a certificate…free.
Not talking about affording a child-- talking about KNOWING you HAVE to feed it, change it’s diapers more than once a day, it’s gonna cry, and you are RESPONSIBLE for that child for AT LEAST 18 years-- more in some cases…It isn’t a toy, or even a Pet…
Hell, There are some people that shouldn’t even be allowed a fish or a turtle-- they are too incompetent and kill even a fucking cactus through their neglect!

Like I said-- spent the day dealing with a lot of them…and have in the past as a special needs teacher… witnessed a LOT of neglect and abuse!

And this IS a thread for UNPOPULAR OPINIONS…
That one is mine–like it or leave it.


A lot of those labels come from companies that have already been hammered in lawsuits

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