Unpopular opinion thread

Nah my IBS tell me Bran Muffins are king!


Timā€™s fruit explosion :100:



Pickled eggs are one of the best foods to go along with a beer.


Those actual look good ā€¦

I havenā€™t been in Milwaukee for a long time but some of the bars back then used to have pickled eggs for sale. They looked nothing like those and instead leaned more towards the Halloween scary side. I never saw anyone purchase any ā€¦


There are/were bars here that had stuff like that because there are different licenses required for restaurant/bars. A few packs of ramen and a teakettle, boom, restaurant.

Iā€™ve never seen anyone eat anything in any of them.


Nice! I recognize most of those. We went to the RWPZ pumpkin fest a couple weeks ago too!
They did a pretty good job this year! But the crowds! Oh manā€¦


Yeah TBH those ones look far better than the ones my local pub stocked when I was a drinker. When I started going there there, there was a jar of mysterious picked eggs that no one knew exactly how long had been there. I ended up having to eat one after losing a game of pool with my buddy, with the stakes being having to eat one of the mystery eggs. Once I bit into it and the vinegary eggy delicious goodness hit my tongue, I realized they must have been placed there by God as I had never tasted something so divine. I ordered another egg and the rest is historyā€¦ I was a regular there for a while and the pub had to buy multiple jars to accommodate me. I was known as the pickled egg guy and would wager with non regulars with the stakes being the loser had to eat a pickled egg, and deliberately lose to satiate my filthy habit. I actually about 5 years egg free now, as I mostly quit drinking and they donā€™t taste quite the same without a beer to wash em downā€¦ also my partner does all the shopping and refuses to buy me any despite my pleas because she says they make me smell. :pensive:


I think the crowd may have been what made me bitter about the non halloweeny pumpkins haha. Do the boat ride if you get a chance, that was a lot of fun.


Broā€¦Netflix needs to make a series about thisā€¦would be :exploding_head:
People who eat pickled eggs at bars are generally just misunderstoodā€¦but donā€™t deserve to be outcasts or looked down upon. Power to you!


I posted that to youā€¦ as a linkā€¦donā€™t think you saw it?

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Try pumpkin chocolate chipā€¦or orange chocolate chipā€¦They are close competitors!


I did miss it. my bad.

Lemon poppy ftw

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when someone tells you about their pm resistant genetics and post a pic with pm spots all over. prob popular, but heaven forbid we tell them they are wrong lol.

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Yeah but the buds resist it though.

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well, we at least know itā€™s possible, hence resistant and not pm proof. Iā€™m more referring to the people selling that itā€™s impossible, but the evidence is right there.

First time posting in this thread. Everyone should know how to take over dry weed and bring it back to the proper water retention!


They got little handsā€¦ little feetā€¦. little cars going ā€œbeepā€ ā€œbeepā€ ā€œbeepā€ā€¦I donā€™t want no short peopleā€¦ They got no reason to liveā€¦


Iā€™m pretty sure no one else caught that but you :slight_smile:


american values