Unpopular opinion thread

$26K a year to join the military as enlisted! Our priorities are going to come back and haunt us down the road. Athletes and big name entertainers get paid an insane amount of money while schools can’t hire enough teachers and bus drivers to educate our kids.


just under that actually as an e1 in the army…


paper towels work for me, sometimes an apple slice - or a slice of carrot if i want to avoid flavoring it.


I use paper towels myself most of the time. Apples have not worked out so well for me I prefer cabbage or lettuce over apple :grin:
I’ll have to try the carrot


I caught it and counter attacked with Dewey cox Midget man song. Lol


Ooo I got one… If likes were even more restricted they would have more weight to them right? If you only had one or two a day you would really think what post actually deserved it rather than just thowing em around willy nilly.

Not sure if it would work but Im sure it would be unpopular haha

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I believe your statement to be true…

But… I have not been on the OG exploring much today as I can’t like anything (Aka give the writer Props)

As a matter of fact…
If I cant give out likes, I pretty much stop reading because I am tired of making bookmarks just to come back the next day to give out likes and then I am out of likes again…

Revolving door

Moral of the story.

Obtain TL3/Regular status and not worry about likes. I forgot the number of likes I had back then but rarely ever ran out likes like I do know.

P.S. I tried to like your post but… :wink:


I like that.

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Also-the ribs from lettuce, or a couple fresh fan leaves from a healthy growing plant.
Unless you want to buy humidi-packs.


I open the ziplock, dip my finger tips into a glass of water, take my hand out of the glass of water, let it drip a a bit on the counter , then flick my fingers at the direction of the bag so a couple drops hit the inside of the bag, I aim for the inside plastic bag wall and not the weed.
I then close the bag 97 percent, fill the bag with warm air, hyperventilate the air,until cloudy,close the bag puffy, ( round ) warm and moist. roll the back around a bit, flick the bag to separate any small weed pieces clinging to the plastic. let sit , occasionally roll and flick. It is like a little trapped cloud. and always evenly spreads moister when it is done. stem, center of bud, surface, all the same. you do not need much water at all, I tried fruit peels but they always seem to turn,the peels. (how I was taught.)


When people ask me if I sell weed, I always said no I sell water :joy:. With patience I’ve been able to bring back a ton of over dry weed


I see a few names missing :joy:
How about corporations with record profits?


Being homeless is supposed to suck.

Here’s an unpopular opinion. . …

If you have to “hunt” for a worthy pheno & can’t just pop a seed or two and be pleased with the outcome, then maybe that cultivar isn’t worth growing for you :man_shrugging:t2:


On the other hand…
American public schools are so bad, it’s probably for the better that kids aren’t “learning” anything.

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not learning anything is what makes them so bad. if the kids learned anything they wouldn’t be so bad.

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here is a big one and forgive me as I haven’t read the whole thread so this might have come up before but…

i prefer not to “cure” for months after dry. i prefer the taste and high of fresh weed right after dry. i’ve cured many times and understand it changes things but just not my preference.


.:joy:.:trophy:. I thought i was the only one that did that lol. Best flavor i think…


Oh hellyeah @Phil_Bombs and @jamMAKEcan

Same here, love me some freshly dried buds. There’s a “crispness” to it, like a freshly opened can of soda :heart: