Unpopular opinion thread

Suck my duning Kruger

To come rollin here because you have a phd. Many of us have been experimenting in closets for 25 years. That’s an honourary doctorate right there.

Little humility goes a long way.


Dude… that sounds SUS.


I’d like to remind everyone that this is the post which started all the trouble here. Anyone see any similarities in this user’s attitude to a sock puppet who’s been suspended for trolling approximately 3000 times in the ~3 years I’ve been here? :stuck_out_tongue: I’m wondering if @WestCoastCroppers hasn’t decided to grace us with his presence again. He hasn’t reached critical mass yet if so - this is his first trollish post, but he’s already batting 500 anyway.

@ThePotanist, I can’t speak for everyone else here, but I think your knowledge is definitely welcome here. You do, however, have to learn to tolerate the internet itself better if you’re gonna be spending time online, especially trying to educate people. :wink: If the dude you were responding to is who I think, he has literally no purpose coming on here other than start chaos and conflict. He’s been quite successful this time, unfortunately. Anyway, as far as why everyone else is getting irritated with you over your response, I can’t really add much to that. No matter how much knowledge you have, the more you belabor the point that you know better, the more it’s gonna rub people the wrong way. Help people who want the help, and treat us all as equals; it’ll cause a lot less trouble.


Not the same. Not even in the same ballpark.

edit: are you talking unzipped?

In that case, Boron is the likely solution. My fault.


The eloquence of your replies leaves me in awe frequently. :v:


You have a lot of Input.
I honestly lost the argument and points yall were trying to make between your novels.
My unpopular opinion is to find studies/theories/bro-science etc and experiment, and take pictures.
There’s many amazing studies on cannabis experiments from Iran for example; you’d think we’d have an easier time to do some of those here.

Besides nasty stuff like paclo or chlorclamenquat ( i can never spell this shit) if you feed your plants synthetic, natural, organic, or vegan and it comes out to your liking then you’re good.
Between all that i.e what makes a good smoke can be argued respectfully with what gives the best taste, terpene profile, structure (yield potential for environment type), trichome density, or color (anthocyanins).


Ah, thanks. I actually feel bad for writing that, it’s bit of a diatribe. My apologies.


I know many people with phDs with more humility.

Slow your roll.


Someone mentioned Dunning-Kruger earlier, so there’s that. :laughing:


Wow i will just stay in my lane and motor on this conversation is to far advance for me with my grade 9 edumacation !


Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion, but I love it when Loki lets it all out:)

And, obvi, soil growers are the baddies


Everyone send me a sample of weed grown your favorite way and I will decide.

alright now for a new unpopular opinion.

Everyone on this forum sounds like. " Duh, I like weed,Duh."


Waffles suck when i am compelled to make them. They require a dumb uncleanable useless-for-any-thing-else peice of equipment.

Whipping g egg whites is paid work, not a labor of love.

I’ll slightly burn your pancake, and poke holes in it instead. :grin:

But, I do love a good waffle someone else makes

“Ooh, yeah, pull out the waffle maker, that sounds good. I’m not really coming though, it’s too early for that shit”


Boron Man is the shizznit!


Hello, I understand what @ThePotanist is trying to explain or convince us, and I support the idea, but here he confronts with his doctorate a multitude of old empirical cultivators, tired of talks and theories, I am one of them, I think that both teachers and Agriculture books are dispensable, I practice high-yield rebellious organic cultivation, at home, in small spaces and for my own consumption, I manufacture my own soluble and hydrolyzed bio fertilizers, I have my own cultivation techniques, irrigation, lighting, nutrition and etc.

I defend self-sufficiency in supplies for marijuana, as the most subversive method I know against the consumer society.

I have only come to understand by doing things, reaching that knowledge has also meant many failures… but I smoke a joint with every doubt and celebrate with another when everything goes well! For one reason or another I can’t stop smoking!


Waffle makers should really just be panini makers


Panini makers are just as bad. Juice not worth the squeeze

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any thoughts on the value of a Hot Diggity Dogger?


do you suppose they would work in a dwc grow? i’m always up to try out things that may be better and/or easier.

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