Unpopular opinion thread

I loved Columbus Day.

Yeah…preservations are seeds, mostly because of long term storage, and the difficulty and legality of sharing clones (plants legally) as opposed to seeds (legal) across state lines!


Nah my homie made that legal in 2018.

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I want a minimum of 5 spiders in my house at all times. preferable hidden.
like a bug bouncer.


I have two noses. My left nose and my right.

Drop kits on pickups look silly and make the truck useless.


Most States only allow seeds in the mail because there has to be LESS than 0.3% THC or it is illegal to ship it. They Legalized seed sales/shipment in the U.S, decriminalized (not legalized) weed, and left whether or not it is legal to each State (stupid IMO)
So even if it is legal to grow it where you live, a person getting clones from you that lives in a State without legalized weed-- is illegal.


Kevin Jodrey is not a good guy. Kevin Jodrey is bleeding the community like all the other corporate f**ks.


Damn Elon Bwahahaha
Dr Suckon
Gruesome gotta love it

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An ‘‘it’’…really??? :no_mouth: :flushed:

Maybe they meant Itt.


Correct you didn’t but that was part of my unpopular opinion. An hour ok cool but 12 hours kills discussion. Not trying to pick a fight just pointing out there was 2 time restrictions I had opinions about. 1 hour completely exceptable I guess but 12 hours not even a little bit. Lol either way nothing anyone can do about it.lol

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You’re in good hands with allstate

She got “it”
She dont like “it”
Toker says -uck ?

Paper towel method for cracking beans is over rated and less effective than letting them pop in the medium they will be residing in… ( unless of course you think double handling is good for your tap roots.)
Change my mind. :coffee:


I kinda alternate paper towel and direct plant. I will say that when I do the paper towel, I check 24 hrs later and most have cracked. At that point I put them right in their media. I’ve seen some pics online of people’s paper towels with several inch long roots. That’s ridiculous in my book and just asking for trouble.

The one thing that makes me lean paper towel as the superior method is some shells are just tougher than others. If I don’t see action within about 36hrs, I manually crack the shells. It’s very rare for me that I don’t get 100% germination. When they are still in the paper, it’s much easier than digging them back out of peat (in my case).


Insurance is only as good as the lawyer you are willing to hire to enforce the contract.


I agree 100%… and FINDING the fecking seed if it doesn’t pop in 48 hours when in soil is a serious pain in the ass…
At least if I pop them in towels (we’ve have a nearly 100% success rate over last 17 years) I know they are popped and viable-- and whether or not they are gonna j-root before bothering to plant them.
Soil is hard to come by here unless we get it from Amazon…so I like to ‘‘hedge my bets’’ this way, so to speak.
But many folks do not like to handle a sprouted seed-- I get that… but if you are doing it correctly, and in an extremely clean environment, It shouldn’t matter.


I also agree that the paper towel method is superior. The sprouted seeds can be handled with a sterilized tweezers to minimize the chance of transferring pathogens to them.


I ROCKED at the game Operation!