Unpopular opinion thread

Once I got ANGRY at myself for allowing this addiction, it was easy to quit.
Whenever I felt that ‘hook’ it just made me more determined.
Worked for ‘freezer vodka’ too.
Good luck.

I don’t regret doing good things for people, I regret doing good things for the WRONG people.


Someone posted elsewhere something like “don’t be charitable if you can’t tolerate ingratitude.”


I don’t mind ingratitude but helping someone who ends up being a complete p.o.s. and not worth good things. More appropriate would be horrible karma. There has been of few of those in this forum. Lol not implying you these people are no longer here. People being ungrateful whatever but being a thief, bully, pedophile you know people who deserve bad not good.


There is a place in the deepest darkest part of Hell for those.


It took me roughly a year to quit smoking cigarettes. I’m done smoking them death sticks,. You don’t wanna sell me death sticks.< ne ways I got to the point I’d have one every couple of days. Then stopped and have not looked back. I was smoking since I was 8 :grimacing: it’s been a while and now I can breathe so much better.


They should have made a music video for the song Diarhea Plop Plop.

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I’ll make one for you tomorrow morning.

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Married With Children is the Prequel to Three’s Company, representing a time before Peg and Al Bundy entered the Witness Protection Program and were forced to change their name to Helen and Stan Roper, and before the death of Kelly, Bud, and Buck. ( three deaths that involved a homosexual somehow.)


Lol I love it!

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THAT is what '‘seasoning’ is for… rubbing it with oil and baking it until smoke-point to refinish the coating… Sometimes ya just gotta…


People still get pissed when I bring new information! I…somehow, find it hilarious.

When a boss tells you a job is chill and you can wear headphones, it’s coming out of your paycheck lol

Be suspect

I name my taller kids sativa because im stoopid.

I think its hilarious when people call incorrect info as new info! :rofl::rofl::rofl:🥸


I have a story to tell about university studies. I know people like them! I learned, they can’t be relied upon, without verification of said details.
I like to grow in DWC it’s my thang! Back when I started growing, I read lots of studies on water cultures, before I constructed my own. One UofM study I read said you can’t grow root crops in DWC, and they had their mangled carrot growing in water culture. IT was all fucked up. I’m like OK don’t grow the root crops.
So I’m farming carrots! Outdoors! Growing orange carrots nantese or whatever strain. This one year, we plant hundreds of multi colored carrots. At the end of the season, some of them are fucked up. Split in half. Bitter etc. So, I go and look it up on google… ahem you can see how fuckups are compounding. Google tells me it’s to do with watering. Huh that backs up the study the university did.
But… Something wasn’t right. Of the hundreds of carrots, this was the first time it happened.
Soooo… Better figure that shit out right? Nobody provided the answers that fit the scenario. I start pulling carrots. Just yanking them and plunking them on the ground. Making a mark on a piece of paper for each carrot if it was a good carrot or a shit split one.
Woah! Fucking pattern formed that said: atomic red, purple haze…etc were split
yellow, white and orange had no splits and didn’t taste bitter. Errrr…hmmm. OK so if I plant yellow, white and orange, there will be no shit carrots. So, there are shit carrot strains. That means UofM used shit carrots in their study. Wait. I can Grow root crops in DWC then. Taught me a lesson about believing in shit.


Oh yeah. It 100% pays to actually read the study. The majority of the time I find flaws in the setup or process of said paper. Or they use tailored info from the results to draw their own conclusions that sometimes, imo, don’t match the results. Definitely can’t take any of them at face value.


Fantastic anecdote! I love poeple doing realass science. Just don’t dare post something that thoughtful on reddit. They’ll call you “bro science” for not following any non peer reviewed “scientific” article like gospel🤣.
Maybe at the end of the day that’s my unpopular opinion. Reddit is full of growers with barely any experience calling people with tons of experience idiots because they read a couple SEO AI written articles online. So they’re the master growers now.


I fucking hate carrots.