Unusual Mutation?

I believe this kind of growth pattern is much more common with auto-flowering varieties while probably still somewhat rare, what made Grinspoon special is that it was not and just a mutant pheno.


My willow pheno of CinderEvil


Looks like it doesnt like nitrogen or doesn’t know how to use it properly. Still very cool dirtron!


I gotta thank @Maddawg for leading me here! And thanks @Tejas for posting this! I posted a couple shots of one of two ‘oddities’ that have popped up in a batch of Black Creme autos. I said I was just gonna let 'em grow out for giggles, not ever having heard of this phenomenon. I’ll try to shoot a pic of the other one today (once the Sun comes up!) :rofl:

The 2 ‘extremes’ have an abundance of trichs, even the stems are loaded!



That looks like a rare ‘String of Pearls’ pheno.
I associate that with the original Doctor Grinspoon sativa.

You definitely want to smoke a sample of that…
…and I want to read your smoke report… :+1: (555) :smile:



Thanks @Gpaw I had never heard of this before, but am loving the fact that I’m getting the chance to learn about it! I’ll be really interested to hear feedback from others that know more about it. When I went down to take some more pictures yesterday, I noticed that something like 5 out of 6 of them show some form of this (and/or foxtailing). This has me wondering if perhaps it is influenced by the odd time of year for planting (though w/autos I wouldn’t think that should matter)?

Here are a few more shots;



Well, guess the ‘String of Pearls’ thing wasn’t the timing! The latest batch of Dark Creme Autos did the same thing but at an even higher rate. Not much bulk, but just covered in resin on every surface! A real PITA to trim, but hoping it’ll be worth it. :crossed_fingers:

They seem to be running out of steam about now though. Not seeing much in the way of new flowers opening and seeing a few brown calyxs. These will most likely become a special batch of RSO. It’s gonna take a lot of plants to make up 100 grams, which is my usual starting amount. I’m also anxious to try smoking one! I’d say this time around 75% came out the purple pheno and there’s some really nice color variations.



Chopped a couple more of the String of Pearls pheno today. Lots of color variations, deep purple through rose.



A really unique plant, who seeds are these?

Yo Tejas! The original Dark Creme autos were from @JohnnyPotseed 's beans crossed with locally produced ‘Dark Cherry Pie’. The first round I got 6-8 plants that came out in this form. I had two males, both SoP form, and used them to make seeds. I’d say about 75-85% came out the SoP form the second round. There are probably only 6-8 plants that are NOT this form (more like ‘regular’ buds), all the rest are various forms of SoP from single strands to a couple that look like they have dreadlocks! I’m gonna be very interested to see how these smoke/oil. I’d imagine that the THC content is maxed out! Biggest problem is going to be having enough material to make a batch.

Last year I grew out the autos in 10 gallon airpots, two seeds directly planted per pot. They got absolutely huge! This time I decided to scale back on pot size for the most part, not to mention that I transplanted 40 lemon trees into the old 10 gallon airpots. That meant that this time I sprouted and transplanted 'em into 1" plugs (2 days), then solo’s for 2 weeks and then into the 1,3,or 5 gallon airpots. Nowhere near the size this time, but some interesting forms.

(These are last fall/winter)



Haa, haa, haa! Couldn’t help myself! Had to try out the cellphone microscope cam.
(Sorry, lousy shots!)



Another day, another round of pics! Starting things off…it was a gorgeous day here today!

Few for the donors;

And, of course, more of the String of Pearls pheno!

Did a few more pollination’s today;
(Thai x VN Black) x (Thai x VN Black) (1 full plant)
(Thai x VN Black) x Goji OG (1 low branch)
Goji OG x Goji OG (1 full plant & 2 lower branches)
(LSD x Blue Sunshine) x (LSD x Blue Sunshine) (1 full plant & 1 low branch)

The initial Goji OG pollination took well. I can see lots of seed development going on. Same with the first Thai x VN Black. We recovered another of the greenhouses and added 3 support legs to help keep ‘water pillows’ from forming when it dumps. Thinking about rearranging/moving the lemon grove - the trees have shot up so much they’re blocking the sublight on the buds! I need to space things a bit farther apart pretty soon or we’ll never be able to do it. It’s already pretty hard to maneuver through them without bend/breaking anything.

Glad to know there’s no shortage of things to do tomorrow! :joy:



Absolutely gorgeous plant. Hope to see some updates! :v:

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