Unwanted visitor 🐜 (SOLVED)

I bet if you gave the plant the right nutes and had the ph down you could probably grow nice plants,I seen some monster indoor plants on YouTube

All we did was give it tap water when it dried out and got wilty. I kick myself in the ass for all the seeds we threw out from high mids back in the day, soooo much potential!

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I have some 8 year old Romulan and purple Urkle seeds their regular seeds but there’s more males that females

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I agree it’s not a flee beetle which are dark with an iridescent sheen to them and are about the size of a pin head and like stated above and can cover some major ground with a single jump .


Those bigheads still around … :sweat:

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:ant: :spider: :spider_web: :astonished: :astonished:
bugs be gone
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:

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Those things have a middle segment as in a three segmented body like an ant? How big you you say they are?

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I don’t think that is a bug looking at it close up, it looks like it has only 2 legs to start with.

It’s in 2 parts, the round part at the top sits in the bottom half but does not look connected. The legs have no joints to allow movement, did you see it moving :thinking:

It could be we are viewing it from behind, and the big round bit is the bug and the small round bit that looks like a head is it taking a dump. Do you have any more pics?

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Thanks, I could see it naked eye hum|nullxnull, here is the complete pic, it is a two week seedling:

Just a round body and a big head, four legs I think, so no mite, no aphid, no flea beetle, no ant, a complete mystery … :disappointed:

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Looks like a green miniature baby capybara :rofl: :joy:



here’s the problem with your description of the bug.
you won’t find anything like that.


Great info, thanks for sharing Arriba|nullxnull, I think it is a springtail, Katiannidae genus, finally I think we unmasked that little bastard … beer3|nullxnull



ding ding! Now, time for some murder. Bug murder.


Get some house geckos, like 5 each at a pet store. They will eat all of them!

African house gecko would work, but the Turkish ones are way prettier if you can find them

Turkish (Mediterranean) House Gecko

Fun story. My dad spent a year in South east Asia in college, he learned that people encouraged geckos going into houses, because they eat pests. So growing up in small town wisconsin, I was used to seeing geckos in our basement, or occasionally finding a dead one, because my dad had released about 20 into the basement when he moved into that house in 1983… and people wonder why I’m strange. We never had any bugs in his house though.


They are in the soil, just letting the pot dry out kills them, other solution iw watering with a bit of dish soap, but I am not very enthusiastic about this one … :sweat:


Spring tails do no harm I have them running around in my soil, helping to break down the leaf matter.

Why the one in your pic looks a bit different I think is because it’s changing from a juvenile to adult and shedding it’s skin.


Thanks, but at least this kind do harm :sweat:, there was a white stain where this little bastard was. Thought the blotches and spots were because of a Calcium deficiency and now after pushing nutes what I have is plants with clawing, twisted and burnt tissues but still alive … :sweat_smile:

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Try Coast of Maine Stonington Blend, Top Shelf in my Book. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I need coir for mushroom substrate, I’ll probably grab a bag of that so I can start my cover crops and mycco colonies in it properly, instead of a handful of cover crop seeds at the beginning of flower just to do it.


now you all know my secret to bug identification, EEEEEK!