Update 3-9-23 4×4 veg josh d, kentucky bluegrass, whitaker blues, afghani bullrider x freakshow, green tea, mac n jack

Just rearranged the tent and put some tomato cages around the ethos mac n jack and whitaker blues. Got 9 plants in there with an oscalating fan. Kinda tight but were gonna run with it! Girls have hit a growth spurt


Looks good man I like the tomato cages as well. Roll with it



I’m about to run into the same problem. 16 plants in a 4x8. Best of luck!


I just ran 12 plants in a 4x8 area but wasn’t a tent, was “the shed”

Sounds like a thriller when you use the quotes lol


That big blue dream was begging for a drink lol

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Two weeks later day 62 feom seed. Removed 3 plants to be compliant :),
Just flipped them. My very own afghani bullrider x fre

akshow strain that i made is kicking all their asses. Showing that F1 sassiness! Shes only 32 days from seed. Removing those other 3 plants will allow me a little better air flow.


The freaky bullrider has some cool leaves displaying its fathers mutation

10 minutes after my last update i got some soil in the mail.

Gonna heap my pots full of this and get to flowering these girls. They are looking great. The josh d og has turnedva little lighter green and one big fan leaf had turned 1/4 yellow. I think it was a underwatering issue. I think she will bounce back!

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About 3/4 of a bag should help!

i put some clonex along the base of the stalks to stimulate root growth

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Pretty 11 finger leaf on my baby girl


Week one of flower


Day 10 of flower

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Day 15 flowering. Got some bokashi and top dressed


Day 22 in flower. I fixed four light leaks. The freakshow x bull rider in back center is the unicorn. The very first seed I tested!


Starting to chunk a bit. The smallest Purple Midnight aka Kentucky Bluegrass(front right) is the frostiest of the six. The bigger Kentucky Bluegrass(front left) is the best smelling thus far. Those seeds are from Souvenir Seeds. I pollinated all six a week ago with Florida Strawberry pollen from a Jungle Boys male. The Mack n Jack is the big bushy girl(back left). My creation is in the middle back. The Afghani Bullrider x freakshow. By far the most vigorous of the bunch. Always praying straight up all the time reaching like crazy. It’s almost black and the lower fan leaves are the size of a dinner plate. Bad ass plant. She’s only half the age of the others. Born 2/10, put in flower 3/22. The back right plant is Whitaker Blues, Front right is Josh D OG KuSh. I grew a Josh D OG a year ago and it was a better plant. Taller and very few leaves. 3 fingers strong indica trait. Different breeder cooler plant than this bushy one. She’s staying yellow for whatever reason. Maybe manganese Def or suffer. Installed my infinite fan to add on to the other two big fans for better air. Everything’s going good. Popping seedlings of my other Freakshow crosses from last run. Testers aren’t bad for my first open pollination attempt. Each plant has at least 1000 seeds per. Next run I’m very excited, doing some Durban poisons and some Freeborn yesca or sky Jaro x josh d 999, definitely a purple caper either road kill skunk, ecsd, or Krispy. Or maybe a Tom Hills HAZE by Cricket’s and Cicada. Anyways thanks for the kind hearts and wise replies!:heart::heart::heart:

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Give em another six to seven weeks and they should really pack it on!

Day 38 in flower. The Two Kentucky bluegrass are purple. The bullrider freakshow back center is gonna have some big colds! The Whitaker blues back right has the nicest plump popcorn calayxs and drenched with trichomes. I’ve been icing the front left ky bluegrass for three days and started to flush her after only 38 days. All but the Afghani bullrider x freakshow look to finish soon.