Using CS - what do I do with the plant after?

Quick question.

I am selfing using CS on a single branch.

After I harvest am I able to salvage the rest of the plant for bubble hash? Or is it best practice to dispose of it all?


Interesting question, the old answer was don’t smoke it.
The silver is defused through the plant tissue. The amount of silver was not dangerous but err on the side of caution.

But making bubble hash out of it is an interesting idea. You are removing 99% of the plant matter.
I have to think that through.



Harvest the pollen on the treated branch, all that remain is fine. After collection, bag and dispose of treated branch (DO NOT COMPOST). SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I would argue that it is worse, concentrates tend to concentrate the good and the bad. For example often a product tests clean for a pesticide in the flower, only to fail later when it is used in a concentrate.


May I jump in here and ask what is the process of using colloidal silver instead of sts? also as I searched cs prices I see different ppm’s, which is best to use ?

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I have never used either but bought an sts kit from Sebring and have the same question about using any part the plant after. Probably a dumb question if I just searched it but thought I’d ask since this is being discussed.

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My understanding is, not to consume any of the plant, if STS is used but, can consume, untreated parts of plant if CS is used. Now that’s just my understanding, from research. :v:t4:


Thanks @repins12

I am taking this approach - plant is just drying now. Going to make bubble hash with the untreated areas.

The CS didn’t take unfortunately.
Going to try again with some homemade CS, just got the silver rods in last week.


I was unsuccessful myself, with a purchased product, my first, go around, as well. I made my own and had success. I just had success, with the STS. I don’t know if these videos will help you but, here they are

:+1:t4: :v:t4:


Curious as to where you got the silver rods? New to the game but I’ve been bitten by the bug…


eBay or Amazon has them!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Got mine from Rio grande supply. 3ft 14ga .999 round wire. 24.55 shipped.

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