Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Some notes on STS reversal:

I am getting a ton of stamens and assorted male bits everywhere on the Golden Goat reversed plant, but also quite a few pistils…I’d say it’s about 70/30 ratio of pistils/stamens I am spraying every 2-3 days. We’re about 24 days into flower. I was hoping to see a more “male” plant but we’ll see how it goes…should be enough to make some seeds but not going to count chickens before hatching.

Next time, I will make it stronger, 1:5 ratio instead of 1:7 for stock solution to distilled water.

It was 50mL of STS stock solution to 350mL of water, next time I’ll use 100mL of stock solution to 500mL of distilled water.

No visible pollen yet but it’s early, plenty of big sacks look close to drop. I’ve squeezed a few ripe-ish looking pods over some white pistils…but I didn’t see any grains. I’m assuming they just weren’t ready, and I further understand the reversed pods don’t produce as much pollen as a natural male. I’m sure over the next 2-3 weeks there will be plenty. I’ll cut the reversed plant down after I see evidence of significant pollination. The worst I can do is sinsemilla Golden Goat and Garland A so let the chips fall where they may. I also know Golden Goat can be reversed since Rasta Jeff did it.

I should mention I did not use any sort of surfactant or penetrant with the STS solution. Next time that may be something to think about. I’m not sure if something like a few drops or dish soap as a mild surfactant or something stronger like Tween 20 or Dutch Master Penetrator would be more appropriate.

I also wonder about other silver salts. Or cobalt salts. Lots of questions…hard to search for definite answers, at least ones applicable to Cannabis.