Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo






lol I do be vernal. A goat asks a question, you answer.


Such is the search. If worst case is OGK I’ll take it haha. I already have a suitable plant, and 6 more females to run, so worst case Ontario I’ll just keep the Garland A plant.

Did find a single hangin’ late flower nanner on Garland #3 lower…but otherwise the line has been clean. Pretty good odds. I always give honest results. But I can deal with one nanner over 4 females, not a keeper plant anyway.


Some notes on STS reversal:

I am getting a ton of stamens and assorted male bits everywhere on the Golden Goat reversed plant, but also quite a few pistils…I’d say it’s about 70/30 ratio of pistils/stamens I am spraying every 2-3 days. We’re about 24 days into flower. I was hoping to see a more “male” plant but we’ll see how it goes…should be enough to make some seeds but not going to count chickens before hatching.

Next time, I will make it stronger, 1:5 ratio instead of 1:7 for stock solution to distilled water.

It was 50mL of STS stock solution to 350mL of water, next time I’ll use 100mL of stock solution to 500mL of distilled water.

No visible pollen yet but it’s early, plenty of big sacks look close to drop. I’ve squeezed a few ripe-ish looking pods over some white pistils…but I didn’t see any grains. I’m assuming they just weren’t ready, and I further understand the reversed pods don’t produce as much pollen as a natural male. I’m sure over the next 2-3 weeks there will be plenty. I’ll cut the reversed plant down after I see evidence of significant pollination. The worst I can do is sinsemilla Golden Goat and Garland A so let the chips fall where they may. I also know Golden Goat can be reversed since Rasta Jeff did it.

I should mention I did not use any sort of surfactant or penetrant with the STS solution. Next time that may be something to think about. I’m not sure if something like a few drops or dish soap as a mild surfactant or something stronger like Tween 20 or Dutch Master Penetrator would be more appropriate.

I also wonder about other silver salts. Or cobalt salts. Lots of questions…hard to search for definite answers, at least ones applicable to Cannabis.


Garland #8 (Golden Goat x Scott’s OG)

Shun expensive breeders. Anyone idiot can do it, because I can do it.

Marshmallow cereal and sweet OG skunky dank. A fine plant indeed.

4/4 plants at or near keeper quality.

2 more have been in flower about 10 days, 2 more hitting flower soon.

Just soaked 6 more Mango Nigerian Cough F2 beans, germ rate isn’t looking good but I’ll give 'em some time. I had germ rate issues with the last round of those too, only half of what I sowed came up I wanna say, but I tend to be impatient with seeds since I have so many and I can usually get beans to at least crack with a 24 hour soak in warm water. These didn’t crack after 30 hours in water. 1/6 is confirmed coming up, at least lol. I have space for 2 more females of MNC next flower round and I’d like to run 'em since the previous 2 plants were so damn good.

I’m on my third run with my chosen MNC female and I hate growing her, but it’s just so dank.


It looks delicious.


No shortage of looks on the garland buds . Nice trim job .


Beautiful buds and trim work, @vernal. Great job!


Thanks guys, she’s fairly annoying to trim actually haha…just enough leaf to be a hassle. Can’t just mow over the whole bud, gotta get in there to individual sugar leaves. She also got a few small spots of mold on the bigger colas (not near as bad as last run) so I have to go over every bud with a fine tooth comb.

Now that we’re going into fall with drier air and cooler temps this run should be even better.


Bandaid Haze IX 3.0 @advancedbuffalo cut at 74

Harvest in about a week. Ideally it could do 85-90, but it’s barely drinking anything and starting to look haggard. I also need the space.

Musty haze, rankness, vetiver, new carpet.

Doesn’t look like any of the Mango Nigerian Cough F2 are going to germ…the one that did stalled. Bummer. 5 haven’t even cracked. Waddayagonnado.

Threw down five Massachusetts Super Skunk x Appalachia from Bodhi instead, which coincidentally were a gift from the same person who sent me the plant above.


Goddamn, dude, is that one topped plant or two un-topped ones? That’s friggin’ awesome either way. I’m putting eight seeds of that in the dirt in the next day or two, pretty stoked about them.

Nice. That was the first pack of seeds I bought when my little seed-buying frenzy started eighteen months ago (10 grand later, I think I’m done haha). Curious to see how they do for you. I thought it sounded like a bad-ass cross, but people have told me otherwise.


Oh just two branches next to one another. Probably 8 more just like it. 18" of bud on some. It’s fluffy obviously but definitely a good yielder. Probably one of the easiest haze examples I’ve ever grown. Just overall problem free. No support needed, stretch was big but not as bad an OG cut.

I hear ya as well, the reports I’ve seen for the MSS x Appalachia aren’t so great but I’m optimistic. I’ve got space for two more females next round and this pack was sitting on top with 5 beans in it so it was a spur-of-the-moment-thing…gotta spice it up and be spontaneous once in a while haha.


:drooling_face: This right here is why I love NL5Haze. Buds for days! May not be nice and dense like the garland but man. The Garland looks dank af though no joke. Top shelf for sure!

I can’t imagine anything paired with that Appalachia dad could be anything but great, but I have noticed a few of bodhi’s creations that might require getting to the F2 stage before you really start seeing some nice and interesting keepers… or just further work to be done but the F2’s coming out better than the F1’s is I guess what I’m getting at :wink:


I seem to be banned from IG, at least temporarily, so if you hit me up on there I may not respond.

Some…gentleman…was claiming it’s a good idea to deworm puppies by making them eat cigarettes and I told him what a stupid fuckin’ idea that was…and he started cryin’ and, I assume, reported me for abusive language or cyberbullying or something. That’s IG for ya lol.

What a time to be alive…the audacity of some people never ceases to surprise.

Oh and @HolyAngel I figured out today that those Maria Sabina tobacco seeds are actually Hopi Tobacco…same exact species, just different source. Mix up was my fault.


There was an episode of Forensic Files where the dog of a murderer got addicted to chewing cigarette butts and would go chomp on the ashtray every hour or so.

They didn’t say anything about worms.

“Oh no anything but foul language!”


I got kicked off long ago. :grin:



nevermind, I caught up on IG :sweat_smile:

So the dude who sent you them in the green bodhi pack came back and said he sent you meangene’s trippy citrus hopi tobacco instead of the maria sabina from Bodhi?


Maybe it was MeanGene’s version of Hopi Tobacco, maybe another source…I’d go look or message him about it but…nothing on IG will load for me lol.

Yes, it came to me in a repurposed little green bodhi baggie. It didn’t come labelled…and at the same time frame I was talking to someone else about getting some of their Bodhi Maria Sabina tobacco seeds…and of course I always got seeds coming and going talking to different folks etc…so my addled brain must have gotten some wires crossed and “filled in the blanks” so to speak haha. I often talk about how unreliable brains and memory can sometimes be and this is a PRIME example lol.

@Foreigner Forensic Files is my jam. New Detectives, FBI Files…etc…love my crime stories. Shit I’ve even sat through all 23 seasons of Law and Order SVU. So the cig-smoking dog was the murderer? Again? When will society learn? Definitely a cool dog, though, no one can deny it. He’s a rakish rascal rapscallion with a devil-may-care attitude and a pack of Winstons tucked into his collar.


Gotcha… Thanks for the heads up! Doesn’t matter to me which it is long as I know what’s what, but I would like to have both so I may have to see if I can trade/hunt those down then.

Did it have any kinda citrus flavor or trippy effect to it? That what make you check things out further? :joy:
Would also explain the not crazy-amount-of-nicotine we heard about on the MS too :thinking: