Vernal's Basement Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Okay thank you for the info. I was wondering if they were cannabis related or not and turns out it’s not, It is a seasoning pepper. Still cool story about how those came to be.

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I usualy do a Carolina reaper or two as just for funnsies plants. They’re too insanely hot for me to eat or make anything with. Super sweet, fruity pepper at first, then this blast of burn that tastes very clear and clean but stupid intense hits you. It’s just too much to realistically enjoy in anway. Cool looking plants that are hardy and pest resistant though. The aphids on the other peppers were terrified of them.


I got lots of cannabis seeds, stuff I made, stuff I didn’t. And lots of non-Cannabis seeds as well.

If you’re ever interested in either, drop me a line.

Fixing to start a new thread, vernal’s basement III.

The SAN gear is drying, will start when I get some pictures. This thread’s gonna suck though, my new setup is smaller and I’m running 1/3rd the plants I used to. Plant counts and penalties are HARSH in the new state.


Not surprised. There’s a few different Triangle Kush going around now too, only one of which is legit.

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The person you just called out didn’t get it from this server, so are you just calling out anyone who has the cut as fake? Or do you have more reason to believe his cut is fake after seeing week 2 flower pics?


My dude. I’ve seen you post this THRICELY on the forum today. If you have concerns state them. Otherwise shhhh.


I don’t have any skin in this game, don’t mess with clones at all, but I would like to say that I really, really wish people would quit flagging posts. Just leave them there for all the world to see. Leave them there so anybody who reads them can then know,”Oh, okay, moving forward I’ll be sure not to listen to anything this person has to say about anything.”

Like, seriously, flagging posts? Gimme a break. Leave them there so that if we ever come across other posts of theirs, we remember,”Oh, right, this is that guy that was ranting IN ALL CAPS on that one thread a while back…” haha.


Some days ago someone flagged a post I made in the meme thread which was like a year old or so… Wtf? Lol in the meme thread…


This is a clickbait for me and many people… exclaim|nullxnull



But don’t the flagged posts eventually disappear? I mean, I can still see the flagged one above, but I don’t think it’s gonna look like that forever, will it?


I believe they disappear after awhile


I actually don’t know but it sounds pretty bad to me because just one guy had a shitty day or is seeking a reason to be offended (on the Internet, in a forum by a meme lol) and flags you shit and then it’s gone after a while…


Maybe it is like that until a mod “takes care” of it, I don’t miss the Shark Tank either, showing off our dark side is never a good thing… angeldevil|nullxnull